I\'d like to implement the following mockup with dot:
So far I\'ve
Does this get you started?
digraph G {
graph [rankdir = LR];
Bar[label="{ \"Bar\"|{<p1>pin 1|<p2> 2|<p3> 3|<p4> 4|<p5> 5} }"];
Foo[label="{ {<data0>data0|<data1>data1|<data2>data2|<data3>data3|<data4>data4}|\"Foo\" |{<out0>out0|<out1>out1|<out2>out2|<GND>gnd|<ex0>ex0|<hi>hi|<lo>lo} }"];
Bew[label="{ {<clk>clk|<syn>syn|<mux0>mux0|<mux1>mux1|<signal>signal}|\"Bew\" |{<out0>out0|<out1>out1|<out2>out2} }"];
Bar:p1 -> Foo:data0;
Bar:p2 -> Foo:data1;
Bar:p3 -> Foo:data2;
Bar:p4 -> Foo:data3;
Bar:p5 -> Foo:data4;
Foo:out0 -> Bew:mux0;
Foo:out1 -> Bew:mux1;
Bew:clk -> Foo:ex0;
Gate[label="{ {<a>a|<b>b}|OR|{<ab>a\|b} }"];
Foo:hi -> Gate:a;
Foo:lo -> Gate:b;
Gate:ab -> Bew:signal;
Note that I used nonbreaking spaces as a cheeky way to get the alignment (I think, I did C-kSpaceSpace in vim, leading to Hex 00a0
You can also employ HTML inside the label definitions, so you can use fonts, colors and create 'spacers': http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html#html
I suppose aligning labels would be easier with HTML nodes.