I have been reading the documentation on how HyperLedger Fabric\'s project is implementing a open source BlockChain solution: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/mast
Hyperledger Validating Peers (VPs) do not mine blocks and do not share the blocks between them. Here is how it works:
All the blocks will be the same because: the transaction execution is deterministic (should be) and the number of tx in a block is fixed.
Hyperledger is an umbrella of blockchain technologies. Hyperledger Fabric, mentioned above, is one of them. Hyperledger Sawtooth also does not use mining and adds these consensus algorithms:
For completeness, the original consensus algorithm with bitcoin (and does use mining) is:
According to Hyperledger Fabric 1.X
Ledger Contains
Read the transaction flow of hyperledger fabric
Check image for reference