Since nobody provided a solution to this post plus the fact that I desperately need a workaround, here is my situation and some abstract solutions/ideas for debate.
My solution involves polling from tornado to celery:
class CeleryHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandlerr):
def get(self):
task = yourCeleryTask.delay(**kwargs)
def check_celery_task():
if task.ready():
self.write({'success':True} )
self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(datetime.timedelta(0.00001), check_celery_task)
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(datetime.timedelta(0.00001), check_celery_task)
Here is post about it.
Now, comes to rescue...
class GenAsyncHandler(web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
response = yield gen.Task(tasks.sleep.apply_async, args=[3])
I stumbled upon this question and hitting the results backend repeatedly did not look optimal to me. So I implemented a Mixin similar to your Scenario 1 using Unix Sockets.
It notifies Tornado as soon as the task finishes (to be accurate, as soon as next task in chain runs) and only hits results backend once. Here is the link.
Here is our solution to the problem. Since we look for result in several handlers in our application we made the celery lookup a mixin class.
This also makes code more readable with the tornado.gen pattern.
from functools import partial
class CeleryResultMixin(object):
Adds a callback function which could wait for the result asynchronously
def wait_for_result(self, task, callback):
if task.ready():
# TODO: Is this going to be too demanding on the result backend ?
# Probably there should be a timeout before each add_callback
partial(self.wait_for_result, task, callback)
class ARemoteTaskHandler(CeleryResultMixin, tornado.web.RequestHandler):
"""Execute a task asynchronously over a celery worker.
Wait for the result without blocking
When the result is available send it back
def post(self):
"""Test the provided Magento connection
task = expensive_task.delay(
result = yield tornado.gen.Task(self.wait_for_result, task)
'success': True,
'result': result.some_value