I am using the following code ...
-(id) initWithVariableName:(NSString*)variableName withComparisonValue:(NSString*)comparisonValue {
// super init
If your method truly is an initialiser, don't forget to do your self = [super init];
- (id) initWith...
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
// do stuff
return self;
I have never personally encountered a situation where self
has changed to nil
or another value, but it's the Objective-C Initialiser Idiom™.
Though it's old question but still I've a good solution to suppress warning in code
-(id) initWithVariableName:(NSString*)variableName withComparisonValue:(NSString*)comparisonValue {
// super init
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
// set instance variables
self.mustExist = NO;
self.reverseCondition = NO;
self.regularExpression = NO;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow-ivar"
self.variableName = variableName; // generates warning
self.comparisonValue = comparisonValue; // generates warning
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return self;
You can learn about GCC pragma here and to get the warning code of a warning go to the Log Navigator (Command+7), select the topmost build, expand the log (the '=' button on the right), and scroll to the bottom and there your warning code is within square brackets like this [-Wshadow-ivar]
For clang you can use
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow-ivar"
// your code
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
Either give the local a more descriptive name (e.g. initialVariableName) or give instance variables a different notation (e.g. myClass_variableName). I prefer the latter in most cases because it calls attention to when I'm using class internals rather than the proper interface.
Unfortunately, no there's no "good" way to prevent this error. The common pattern is to use a slightly stupid parameter name like
-(id) initWithVariableName:(NSString*)theVariableName
withComparisonValue:(NSString*)theComparisonValue {
self.variableName = theVariableName;
self.comparisonValue = theComparisonValue;
return self;
_varName = varName;
You can use just this but without the @synthesize
- whenever you want to use that variable you just write _*variable name*
and it eliminates the error
If you are using local instance variable name same as global instance variable name then this warning occur.
First Methode: For ignoring this warning use have to change local instance variable name or else change the global instance variable name.
Second Methode: if you want to use global variable then call as self->variableName
-(id) initWithVariableName:(NSString*)variableName withComparisonValue:(NSString*)comparisonValue {
// super init
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
// set instance variables
self->variableName = variableName; //point to global variableName
self->comparisonValue = comparisonValue; //point to global comparisonValue
return self;