Haskell doesn\'t have dot notation for record members. For each record member a compiler creates a function with the same name with a type RecType -> FieldType. This leads
The GHC developers developed a couple of extensions to help with this issue . Check out this ghc wiki page. Initially a single OverloadedRecordFields
extension was planned, but instead two extensions were developed. The extensions are OverloadedLabels and DuplicateRecordFields. Also see that reddit discussion.
The DuplicateRecordFields extensions makes this code legal in a single module:
data Person = MkPerson { personId :: Int, name :: String }
data Address = MkAddress { personId :: Int, address :: String }
As of 2019, I'd say these two extensions didn't get the adoption I thought they would have (although they did get some adoption) and the status quo is probably still ongoing.
For large projects, I prefer to keep each type in its own module and use Haskell's module system to namespace accessors for each type.
For example, I might have some type A
in module A
-- A.hs
data A = A
{ field1 :: String
, field2 :: Double
... and another type B
with similarly-named fields in module B
-- B.hs
data B = B
{ field1 :: Char
, field2 :: Int
Then if I want to use both types in some other module C
I can import them qualified to distinguish which accessor I mean:
-- C.hs
import A as A
import B as B
f :: A -> B -> (Double, Int)
f a b = (A.field2 a, B.field2 b)
Unfortunately, Haskell does not have a way to define multiple name-spaces within the same module, otherwise there would be no need to split each type in a separate module to do this.
Another way to avoid this problem is to use the lens package. It provides a makeFields template haskell function, which you can use like this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Lens
data A = A
{ _aText :: String
makeFields ''A -- Creates a lens x for each record accessor with the name _aX
data B = B
{ _bText :: Int
, _bValue :: Int
-- Creates a lens x for each record accessor with the name _bX
makeFields ''B
main = do
let a = A "hello"
let b = B 42 1
-- (^.) is a function of lens which accesses a field (text) of some value (a)
putStrLn $ "Text of a: " ++ a ^. text
putStrLn $ "Text of b: " ++ show (b ^. text)
If you don't want to use TemplateHaskell and lens, you can also do manually what lens automates using TemplateHaskell:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
data A = A
{ aText :: String
data B = B
{ bText :: Int
, bValue :: Int
-- A class for types a that have a "text" field of type t
class HasText a t | a -> t where
-- An accessor for the text value
text :: a -> t
-- Make our two types instances of those
instance HasText A String where text = aText
instance HasText B Int where text = bText
main = do
let a = A "hello"
let b = B 42 1
putStrLn $ "Text of a: " ++ text a
putStrLn $ "Text of b: " ++ show (text b)
But I can really recommend learning lens, as it also provides lots of other utilities, like modifying or setting a field.