What is the height of the Android Toolbar
introduced in Lollipop? It\'s a quite simple question but I haven\'t found an answer here except for the ActionB
Call this method to get the value programmatically:
public int getToolBarHeight() {
int[] attrs = new int[] {R.attr.actionBarSize};
TypedArray ta = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
int toolBarHeight = ta.getDimensionPixelSize(0, -1);
return toolBarHeight;
The Toolbar
(if not extended) has the height of:
(sw600dp; i.e. tablet)The Toolbar
is higher than the pre-lollipop ActionBar
; it was 48dp
by default, 40dp
in landscape and 56dp
in sw600dp.
And to retrieve the height of the Toolbar in XML, just use
or if you're using the AppCompat library this