Determining if all attributes on a javascript object are null or an empty string

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走了就别回头了 2020-12-08 04:08

What is the most elegant way to determine if all attributes in a javascript object are either null or the empty string? It should work for an arbitrary number of attributes

  • 2020-12-08 04:38

    Just complementing the past answers: they'll work if your object doesn't contain arrays or objects. If it does, you'll need to do a 'deep check'.

    So I came up with this solution. It'll evaluate the object as empty if all its values (and values inside values) are undefined, {} or [].

    function deepCheckEmptyObject(obj) {
        return Object.values(obj).every( value => {
            if (value === undefined) return true;
            else if ((value instanceof Array || value instanceof Object) && _.isEmpty(value) ) return true;
            else if (value instanceof Array && !_.isEmpty(value)) return deepCheckEmptyArray(value);
            else if (value instanceof Object && !_.isEmpty(value)) return deepCheckEmptyObject(value);
            else return false;
    function deepCheckEmptyArray(array) {
        return array.every( value => {
            if (value === undefined) return true;
            else if ((value instanceof Array || value instanceof Object) && _.isEmpty(value)) return true;
            else if (value instanceof Array && !_.isEmpty(value)) return deepCheckEmptyArray(value);
            else if (value instanceof Object && !_.isEmpty(value)) return deepCheckEmptyObject(value);
            else return false;

    Note it uses Lodash's .isEmpty() to do the heavy work after we 'isolated' a value. Here, Lodash is imported as '_'.

    Hope it helps!

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  • 2020-12-08 04:38

    Building on top of other answers I would use lodash to check isEmpty on the object, as well as its properties.

    const isEmpty = (object) => return _.isEmpty(object) || !Object.values(object).some(x => !_.isEmpty(x))
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  • 2020-12-08 04:40

    This skip the function attribute

    function checkIsNull(obj){
    		let isNull=true;
    		for(let key in obj){
    			if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] !== 'function') {
    				isNull = false;
    		return isNull;
    var objectWithFunctionEmpty={
      "fun": function (){ alert('ciao'); }
    var objectWithFunctionFull={
      "surname":"bla bla",
      "fun": function (){ alert('ciao'); }
    checkIsNull(objectWithFunctionEmpty); //true
    checkIsNull(objectWithFunctionFull); //false

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  • 2020-12-08 04:41

    Here's my version, specifically checking for null and empty strings (would be easier to just check for falsy)

    function isEmptyObject(o) {
        return Object.keys(o).every(function(x) {
            return o[x]===''||o[x]===null;  // or just "return o[x];" for falsy values
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  • 2020-12-08 04:44

    Edit: As user @abd995 noted in the comments, using Array.some() is more efficiënt as it stops the loop when the condition is met:

    const isEmpty = !Object.values(object).some(x => (x !== null && x !== ''));

    Original: 2017 answer: Check all values with Object.values(). Returns an array with the values which you can check with Array.every() or Array.some()... etc.

    const isEmpty = Object.values(object).every(x => (x === null || x === ''));
    • MDN Object.values()
    • MDN Array.every()
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  • 2020-12-08 04:44

    Based on tymeJv's answer =)

    function checkProperties(obj) {
    var state = true;
      for (var key in obj) {
        if ( !( obj[key] === null || obj[key] === "" ) ) {
            state = false;
      return state;
    var obj = {
      x: null,
      y: "",
      z: 1
    checkProperties(obj) //returns false

    Hope it helps =)

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