How do I use Jackson JSON mapper with Java 8 LocalDateTime? Can not instantiate value of type [simple t
Update: Leaving this answer for historical reasons, but I don't recommend it. Please see the accepted answer above.
Tell Jackson to map using your custom [de]serialization classes:
@JsonSerialize(using = LocalDateTimeSerializer.class)
@JsonDeserialize(using = LocalDateTimeDeserializer.class)
private LocalDateTime ignoreUntil;
provide custom classes:
public class LocalDateTimeSerializer extends JsonSerializer<LocalDateTime> {
public void serialize(LocalDateTime arg0, JsonGenerator arg1, SerializerProvider arg2) throws IOException {
public class LocalDateTimeDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<LocalDateTime> {
public LocalDateTime deserialize(JsonParser arg0, DeserializationContext arg1) throws IOException {
return LocalDateTime.parse(arg0.getText());
random fact: if i nest above classes and don't make them static, the error message is weird:
org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' not supported
If you consider using fastjson, you can solve your problem, note the version
I had a similar problem while using Spring boot. With Spring boot 1.5.1.RELEASE all I had to do is to add dependency:
If you can't use jackson-modules-java8
for whatever reasons you can (de-)serialize the instant field as long
using @JsonIgnore
and @JsonGetter
& @JsonSetter
public class MyBean {
private Instant time =;
public Instant getTime() {
return this.time;
public void setTime(Instant time) {
this.time = time;
private long getEpochTime() {
return this.time.toEpochMilli();
private void setEpochTime(long time) {
this.time = Instant.ofEpochMilli(time);
public void testJsonTime() throws Exception {
String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(new MyBean());
MyBean myBean = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, MyBean.class);
For those who use Spring Boot 2.x
There is no need to do any of the above - Java 8 LocalDateTime is serialised/de-serialised out of the box. I had to do all of the above in 1.x, but with Boot 2.x, it works seamlessly.
See this reference too JSON Java 8 LocalDateTime format in Spring Boot