In other languages, in RegExp you can use /.../g
for a global match.
However, in Ruby:
\"hello hello\".match /(hello)/
Here's a tip for anyone looking for a way to replace all regex matches with something else.
Rather than the //g flag and one substitution method like many other languages, Ruby uses two different methods instead.
# .sub — Replace the first
"ABABA".sub(/B/, '') # AABA
# .gsub — Replace all
"ABABA".gsub(/B/, '') # AAA
use String#scan
. It will return an array of each match, or you can pass a block and it will be called with each match.
All the details at
You can use the scan method. The scan method will either give you an array of all the matches or, if you pass it a block, pass each match to the block.
"hello1 hello2".scan(/(hello\d+)/) # => [["hello1"], ["hello2"]]
"hello1 hello2".scan(/(hello\d+)/).each do|m|
puts m
I've written about this method, you can read about it here near the end of the article.