Overriding methods in Swift extensions

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-11-22 16:13

I tend to only put the necessities (stored properties, initializers) into my class definitions and move everything else into their own extension, kind of like a

  • 2020-11-22 16:29

    This answer it not aimed at the OP, other than the fact that I felt inspired to respond by his statement, "I tend to only put the necessities (stored properties, initializers) into my class definitions and move everything else into their own extension ...". I'm primarily a C# programmer, and in C# one can use partial classes for this purpose. For example, Visual Studio places the UI-related stuff in a separate source file using a partial class, and leaves your main source file uncluttered so you don't have that distraction.

    If you search for "swift partial class" you'll find various links where Swift adherents say that Swift doesn't need partial classes because you can use extensions. Interestingly, if you type "swift extension" into the Google search field, its first search suggestion is "swift extension override", and at the moment this Stack Overflow question is the first hit. I take that to mean that problems with (lack of) override capabilities are the most searched-for topic related to Swift extensions, and highlights the fact that Swift extensions can't possibly replace partial classes, at least if you use derived classes in your programming.

    Anyway, to cut a long-winded introduction short, I ran into this problem in a situation where I wanted to move some boilerplate / baggage methods out of the main source files for Swift classes that my C#-to-Swift program was generating. After running into the problem of no override allowed for these methods after moving them to extensions, I ended up implementing the following simple-minded workaround. The main Swift source files still contain some tiny stub methods that call the real methods in the extension files, and these extension methods are given unique names to avoid the override problem.

    public protocol PCopierSerializable {
       static func getFieldTable(mCopier : MCopier) -> FieldTable
       static func createObject(initTable : [Int : Any?]) -> Any
       func doSerialization(mCopier : MCopier)


    public class SimpleClass : PCopierSerializable {
       public var aMember : Int32
       public init(
                   aMember : Int32
                  ) {
          self.aMember = aMember
       public class func getFieldTable(mCopier : MCopier) -> FieldTable {
          return getFieldTable_SimpleClass(mCopier: mCopier)
       public class func createObject(initTable : [Int : Any?]) -> Any {
          return createObject_SimpleClass(initTable: initTable)
       public func doSerialization(mCopier : MCopier) {
          doSerialization_SimpleClass(mCopier: mCopier)


    extension SimpleClass {
       class func getFieldTable_SimpleClass(mCopier : MCopier) -> FieldTable {
          var fieldTable : FieldTable = [ : ]
          fieldTable[376442881] = { () in try mCopier.getInt32A() }  // aMember
          return fieldTable
       class func createObject_SimpleClass(initTable : [Int : Any?]) -> Any {
          return SimpleClass(
                    aMember: initTable[376442881] as! Int32
       func doSerialization_SimpleClass(mCopier : MCopier) {
          mCopier.writeBinaryObjectHeader(367620, 1)
          mCopier.serializeProperty(376442881, .eInt32, { () in mCopier.putInt32(aMember) } )


    public class DerivedClass : SimpleClass {
       public var aNewMember : Int32
       public init(
                   aNewMember : Int32,
                   aMember : Int32
                  ) {
          self.aNewMember = aNewMember
                     aMember: aMember
       public class override func getFieldTable(mCopier : MCopier) -> FieldTable {
          return getFieldTable_DerivedClass(mCopier: mCopier)
       public class override func createObject(initTable : [Int : Any?]) -> Any {
          return createObject_DerivedClass(initTable: initTable)
       public override func doSerialization(mCopier : MCopier) {
          doSerialization_DerivedClass(mCopier: mCopier)


    extension DerivedClass {
       class func getFieldTable_DerivedClass(mCopier : MCopier) -> FieldTable {
          var fieldTable : FieldTable = [ : ]
          fieldTable[376443905] = { () in try mCopier.getInt32A() }  // aNewMember
          fieldTable[376442881] = { () in try mCopier.getInt32A() }  // aMember
          return fieldTable
       class func createObject_DerivedClass(initTable : [Int : Any?]) -> Any {
          return DerivedClass(
                    aNewMember: initTable[376443905] as! Int32,
                    aMember: initTable[376442881] as! Int32
       func doSerialization_DerivedClass(mCopier : MCopier) {
          mCopier.writeBinaryObjectHeader(367621, 2)
          mCopier.serializeProperty(376443905, .eInt32, { () in mCopier.putInt32(aNewMember) } )
          mCopier.serializeProperty(376442881, .eInt32, { () in mCopier.putInt32(aMember) } )

    Like I said in my introduction, this doesn't really answer the OP's question, but I'm hoping this simple-minded workaround might be helpful to others who wish to move methods from the main source files to extension files and run into the no-override problem.

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  • 2020-11-22 16:37

    There is a way to achieve a clean separation of class signature and implementation (in extensions) while maintaining the ability to have overrides in subclasses. The trick is to use variables in place of the functions

    If you make sure to define each subclass in a separate swift source file, you can use computed variables for the overrides while keeping the corresponding implementation cleanly organized in extensions. This will circumvent Swift's "rules" and will make your class's API/signature neatly organized in one place:

    // ---------- BaseClass.swift -------------
    public class BaseClass
        public var method1:(Int) -> String { return doMethod1 }
        public init() {}
    // the extension could also be in a separate file  
    extension BaseClass
        private func doMethod1(param:Int) -> String { return "BaseClass \(param)" }


    // ---------- ClassA.swift ----------
    public class A:BaseClass
       override public var method1:(Int) -> String { return doMethod1 }
    // this extension can be in a separate file but not in the same
    // file as the BaseClass extension that defines its doMethod1 implementation
    extension A
       private func doMethod1(param:Int) -> String 
          return "A \(param) added to \(super.method1(param))" 


    // ---------- ClassB.swift ----------
    public class B:A
       override public var method1:(Int) -> String { return doMethod1 }
    extension B
       private func doMethod1(param:Int) -> String 
          return "B \(param) added to \(super.method1(param))" 

    Each class's extension are able to use the same method names for the implementation because they are private and not visible to each other (as long as they are in separate files).

    As you can see inheritance (using the variable name) works properly using super.variablename

    BaseClass().method1(123)         --> "BaseClass 123"
    A().method1(123)                 --> "A 123 added to BaseClass 123"
    B().method1(123)                 --> "B 123 added to A 123 added to BaseClass 123"
    (B() as A).method1(123)          --> "B 123 added to A 123 added to BaseClass 123"
    (B() as BaseClass).method1(123)  --> "B 123 added to A 123 added to BaseClass 123"
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  • 2020-11-22 16:43

    Use POP (Protocol-Oriented Programming) to override functions in extensions.

    protocol AProtocol {
        func aFunction()
    extension AProtocol {
        func aFunction() {
    class AClass: AProtocol {
    extension AClass {
        func aFunction() {
            print("not empty")
    let cls = AClass()
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  • 2020-11-22 16:48

    Extensions cannot/should not override.

    It is not possible to override functionality (like properties or methods) in extensions as documented in Apple's Swift Guide.

    Extensions can add new functionality to a type, but they cannot override existing functionality.

    Swift Developer Guide

    The compiler is allowing you to override in the extension for compatibility with Objective-C. But it's actually violating the language directive.

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  • 2020-11-22 16:52

    One of the goals of Swift is static dispatching, or rather the reduction of dynamic dispatching. Obj-C however is a very dynamic language. The situation you're seeing is borne out of the link between the 2 languages and the way they work together. It shouldn't really compile.

    One of the main points about extensions is that they are for extending, not for replacing / overriding. It's clear from both the name and the documentation that this is the intention. Indeed if you take out the link to Obj-C from your code (remove NSObject as the superclass) it won't compile.

    So, the compiler is trying to decide what it can statically dispatch and what it has to dynamically dispatch, and it's falling through a gap because of the Obj-C link in your code. The reason dynamic 'works' is because it's forcing Obj-C linking on everything so it's all always dynamic.

    So, it isn't wrong to use extensions for grouping, that's great, but it is wrong to override in extensions. Any overrides should be in the main class itself, and call out to extension points.

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