iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-08 04:09

Building an iPhone project results in:

Failed to launch simulated application: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7

  • 2020-12-08 04:23

    I am facing the exact same issue very frequently, what I do is 1) I quit the iphone simulator 2) and if after following step 1, if issue still the same, then reset the simulator

    And it has resolved my issue all the time from step 1 itself.

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  • 2020-12-08 04:25

    I had same problem, the Simulator would just hang. This is on a fresh install of XC 3.2.5 GM and using Simulator with 4.2 SDK. Apps would run fine on a real device but the simulator would just hang.

    I ended up changing the iPhone App Support directory and all sub dirs to 777 access permissions. Not a great idea to 777 -R, but I was desperate and it worked.

    $sudo chmod -R 777 ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/

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  • 2020-12-08 04:26

    Boy, is the answer to this one hard to find, but I came up with a workaround. The simulator gives this error if it has any problems with accessing files in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/. This could be a permissions problem, but in my case it was even more subtle: my home directory is NFS mounted, and that seems to somehow be the source of the problem.

    The basic workaround is to create a directory local to the machine, and link the iPhone Simulator's directory to that local directory. You shouldn't need to move your source files or project directory; it's just the simulator targets that are the problem.

    Here is one series of steps to accomplish the workaround, to be typed in at the terminal (1-3 done on every machine you'll be developing on, 4-6 once in your NFS-mounted home directory):

    1. sudo mkdir /usr/local/iphone-dirs
    2. sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/iphone-dirs
    3. mkdir /usr/local/iphone-dirs/my-dir
    4. cd "~/Library/Application Support/"
    5. rm -rf "iPhone Simulator/"
    6. ln -s /usr/local/iphone-dirs/my-dir/ "iPhone Simulator"

    There are obviously many variations on this theme; I suspect that using a locally-hosted directory in /tmp would be fine (and not require admin privs, but would have to be redone every time the system is rebooted). As given, steps 1 and 2 are good if you will have multiple users using these machines that you don't want to collide with each other. If you have your own personal machine but NFS-mount your homedir, you could probably just skip to something like step 3 (and sudo it). Just make sure that whatever dir you create in step 3 is the dir that you symlink to in step 6.

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  • 2020-12-08 04:26

    Springboard is the app that launches apps. It's the home screen of the iPhone. I had tons of problems when I tried to get my app running on the phone -- turns out that I had an older version of the SDK that was incompatible with the version of the OS my phone had. Reinstalling the latest SDK did the trick.

    Also, have heard that clearing the XCode cache sometimes helps (didn't for me) -- XCode menu->Clear cache...

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  • 2020-12-08 04:27

    Quit and re-open simulator , it will work i also got an issue like this and this helped me.

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  • 2020-12-08 04:28

    I got same error. This is how i solved it. Hope this helps.

    1. To show all hidden files type below from command line

      $ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder

    2. Access DerivedData folder and delete it's content(under DerivedData). Basically this is Simulator Cache which sometimes does not get deleted from XCode. Library is a hidden folder
      and that is why we run Step 1.

      /Users/your username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

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