I can\'t get autocompletion to work on Eclipse.
I\'m working on the project on svn. I set up project in Eclipse by going into
File -> Import -> Checkout As
Had the same problem (but with Maven). The reason was incorrect choice of executor: my project used global settings that are not avilable from Embedded installation of Maven. Changed it to external (Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations) and that fixed the problem.
Had the same problem. Solution: Context menu -> Maven -> Enable dependency management
Do not know why that was lost, when checking out.
in my case it's a maven project
delete the project from eclipse leaving the sources close eclipse delete from filesystem
.target/ .classpath .project .settings/ open eclipse Again Import Maven Projects
This solved the problem
Like the message says, is the file somewhere on the project's Java Build Path (e.g. a Source folder)?
mvn eclipse:eclipse
solved my problem
Here the steps for creating a source folder in eclipse.
You can control the order in which source folders appear in a project on order and export tab on the configure build path option.