I\'m following this scheme in a Spring application.
You're trying to implement a ConversionService
to do the conversion between Strings and User objects. However, it's Converter
implementations that do this part. What you want to do is:
Your converter would be something like:
final class UserConverter implements Converter<String, User> {
public User convert(String username) {
return userService.find(username);
You then need to register that converter. You can either write your own ConversionServiceFactoryBean or override the default:
<bean id="conversionService"
<property name="converters">
<bean class="example.UserConverter"/>
If you want to use the ConversionService explicitly, as you have, just leave it as something that can be autowired. Spring and that factorybean definition will take care of the rest.
If, however, you're already using the <mvc:annotation-driven>
tag in your context, you can use its conversion-service
attribute to reference your ConversionServiceFactoryBean. You then don't need to have InitBinder or ConversionService in your class at all: by simply having a parameter of a @RequestMapping have your target type, User, the conversion will take place without you having to intervene.
I did exactly what Gary is saying above and it worked:
I want to add some more information to the solution. As per the Spring documentation here a URI template variable gets translated to the target object using the Converter/ConversionService. I tried to use a @RequestParam("id") @ModelAttribute("contact") Contact contact
, but I was getting an IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'contact' available as request attribute
for not having the model object contact
in my view edit.jsp. This can be easily resolved by declaring a Model model
and model.addAttribute(contact);
. However, there is an even better way; using the URI template variable. It's strange why @RequestParam
did not work.
@RequestMapping("edit") //Passing id as .. edit?id=1
public String editWithConverter(@RequestParam("id") @ModelAttribute("contact") Contact contact){
logger.info("edit with converter");
return "contact/edit";
@RequestMapping("edit/{contact}") //Passing id as .. edit/1
public String editWithConverter(@PathVariable("contact") @ModelAttribute("contact") Contact contact){ // STS gave a warning for using {contact} without @PathVariable
logger.info("edit with converter");
return "contact/edit";
So what does this thing do .. a link like ...edit/1
implicitly invokes the converter for String '1' to Contact of id '1' conversion, and brings this contact object to the view.
No need for @InitBinder
and since its a Converter
registered with the ConversionService
I can use this anywhere I want - implicitly or explicitly.