AngularJS: callback after render (work with DOM after render)

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长发绾君心 2020-12-08 02:26

How can run a method $scope.myWork() after render template? I want to set the $scope.value and after that I need to change something with JQuery (e

  • 2020-12-08 03:01

    I use terminal and transclude in a attribute directive to call a scoped method after a model is updated and view is rendered (in my case to resize a iframe after a $Resource.query):

    .directive('postRender', [ '$timeout', function($timeout) {
    var def = {
        restrict : 'A', 
        terminal : true,
        transclude : true,
        link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
            $timeout(scope.resize, 0);  //Calling a scoped method
    return def;

    The $timeout is black magic. It should be possible to declare the JS method as the attribute value and $parse it.

    So I use it in a ng-repeat (in my case a tree is rendered recursively):

    <div post-render ng-repeat="r in regions | orderBy:'name'" ng-include="'tree_region_renderer.html'">
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  • 2020-12-08 03:01

    I found this page when looking for a way to profile DOM rendering. I found a far simple solution which is working for my use case.

    Attach an ng-init handler to the DOM element and in the handler function, use $timeout to yield execution. Example:


    <div ng-init="foo()">


    $ = function() {
        $timeout(function() {
            // This code runs after the DOM renders
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  • 2020-12-08 03:21

    Create a directive that runs your code in the link function. The link function is called after the template is built.

    See ng-click to get an idea.

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  • 2020-12-08 03:22

    Jens answer above will work , but note that on newer AngularJS versions (for example 1.2.3) you cannot have that postRender directive in combination with ng-repeat as attributes on the same tag since they both have transclude: true. In that case you either must remove transclude or have a separate tag with the postRender directive attribute.
    Also be aware of priority of attributes when using terminal: true since you might end up having an attribute non- effective due to a higher priorotized one on the same tag.

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  • 2020-12-08 03:26

    I also had this problem, other solutions didn't work well for me, and it seemed like the kind of thing Protractor must have solved. A quick review of Protractor's client-side scripts shows it uses angular.getTestability(element) to know when to actually run the tests. The method waits until there are no pending timeouts or http requests and then runs your callback. Here's my directive:

    export function afterRender ($timeout) {
      return {
          restrict: 'A',
          terminal: true,
          link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            angular.getTestability(element).whenStable(function() {
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