I\'m using Gradle spring-boot
plugin and I need to select a spring active profile for the test run.
How do I pass spring.profiles.active
This works:
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production ./gradlew app-service:bootRun
with run command you can add to build file run { systemProperties = System.properties }
and start with gradle run -Dspring.profiles.active=local
task local {
run { systemProperty "spring.profiles.active", "local" }
bootRun.mustRunAfter local
Then run gradle command as:
gradle bootRun local
// defualt value
def profiles = 'dev'
bootRun {
args = ["--spring.profiles.active=" + profiles]
Then you can simply pick a specific version when starting a gradle task, like
./gradlew bootRun -P dev
"dev" is gonna to take place "prod"
I know I'm late here... but I recently faced this exact issue. I was trying to launch bootRun with spring.profiles.active and spring.config.location set as system properties on the command line.
So, to get your command line "magic" to work, simply add this to your build.gradle
bootRun {
systemProperties System.properties
Then running from the command line...
gradle -Dspring.profiles.active=local bootRun
Will set local as the active profile, without needing to define a separate task simply to add the env variable.
According to the spring-boot-gradle-plugin documentation you should be able to pass arguments like this
./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=dev'
Seems like this is a new gradle feature since 4.9. I used it in my project and it worked out of the box.