Allow null in unique column

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走了就别回头了 2020-12-08 02:13

I\'ve created the following table:

   Name VARCHAR (150) NOT NULL,

  • 2020-12-08 02:28

    This is a misunderstanding.
    The UNIQUE constraint does exactly what you want. Multiple NULL values can coexist in a column defined UNIQUE.

    The manual:

    In general, a unique constraint is violated when there is more than one row in the table where the values of all of the columns included in the constraint are equal. However, two null values are not considered equal in this comparison. That means even in the presence of a unique constraint it is possible to store duplicate rows that contain a null value in at least one of the constrained columns. This behavior conforms to the SQL standard, but we have heard that other SQL databases might not follow this rule. So be careful when developing applications that are intended to be portable.

    Bold emphasis mine.

    Be aware that character types allow an empty string (''), which is not a NULL value and would trigger a unique violation just like any other non-null value when entered in more than one row.

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  • 2020-12-08 02:33

    No Such Problem In Postgres

    In Erwin Brandstetter's correct answer, he explains that you should indeed be seeing the behavior you want (multiple NULLs allowed in a Unique constraint). You should see this behavior in Postgres in particular as well as any SQL standard compliant database in general.

    Workaround for Other Databases

    However, the Postgres doc cautions about portability because some databases are known to be in violation of this feature. For such a non-compliant system I suggest replacing the use of a NULL value in such fields with a bogus value. The bogus value would be a string such as "unknown_" plus some arbitrary value that is virtually certain to be unique. That arbitrary value could be something like the current date-time plus a random number.


    But, rather than roll your own arbitrary value, generate a UUID. The original Version 1 UUID is indeed a combination of the current date-time, a random number, and the computer's virtually unique MAC address.

    A UUID presented as a hex string with canonical formatting using hyphens looks like this:


    So my suggestion is to combine an arbitrary string such as "unknown_" plus a UUID, to look like this:


    So my suggestion for non-compliant databases is to generate such a value and use it in place of NULL, use it where you do not yet have a known value in that column for a particular row. Instead of writing queries that look for rows that have (or do not have) a NULL value in that column, write queries that look for rows that have (or do not have) a value beginning with the arbitrary string, "unknown_" in this example. Each row would then satisfy the constraint of having a unique value.

    Indeed, I would assign this "unknown_" + UUID value as the default for that column.

    You could also add a NOT NULL constraint to this column.

    Generating UUID Values

    Postgres has built-in support for the data type of UUID, but that's irrelevant in this answer here. What you need is to generate a UUID value.

    For generating UUIDs you need an extension (plugin) that adds this capability to Postgres. Most Postgres installers include such an extension. This extension is called uuid-ossp. Usually the extension is not activated by default. To do so in recent versions of Postgres, use the CREATE EXTENSION command. For instructions, see my blog post on installing in Postgres 9.1 and later or my other post on Postgres 9.0 and earlier. Both the new and old way of installation is easy provided the extension/plugin was compiled and bundled with your Postgres installation.


    Let me be clear that for Postgres alone, there is no need for this workaround because Postgres complies with the SQL standard. But if:

    • You are concerned about portability of your code to some other non-compliant database system, or
    • You need to exchange data with a non-compliant database system, or
    • You agree with Dr. Chris Date that NULL is the work of the devil and should be avoided

    …then a workaround such as this is necessary.

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  • 2020-12-08 02:33

    And just in case you're generating your DB Tables using EF Code First, edit your Migration Class' Up method like the following to enforce your UNIQUE KEY constraint to ignore NULL.

    migrationBuilder.Sql(@"CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX[IX_Employees_TaskId] ON[dbo].[Employees]([TaskId] ASC)
                                    WHERE [TaskId] IS NOT NULL"

    And then you could test your Unique Constraint by logging into your DB through SQL Server Management Studio or something similar. Like in this case Employee Table happily accepts 2 NULL values in TaskId although its an UNIQUE column.

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  • 2020-12-08 02:35

    Unique and null don't get along much, since null is undefined by definition — you can't know if two nulls are the same unknown.

    In this sense, your current unique constraint on email is the right thing to do and should work as is.

    In case you ever need to make it otherwise, though, a partial index works:

    create unique index on MMCompany((email is null)) where (email is null);

    Another approach is to define a constraint trigger. Something like:

    create function email_chk() returns trigger as $$
      if exists (
        select 1 from mmcompany where email is null and companyuniqueid <>
      ) then
        raise 'dup null found';
      end if;
      return null;
    $$ language plpgsql;
    create constraint trigger after insert or update on mmcompany
    for each row when ( is null)
    execute procedure email_chk();
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  • 2020-12-08 02:36

    Some databases do not allow multiple null values, for example the SQL Server documentation states that "multiple null values are considered duplicates". On databases that do not allow nullable UNIQUE constraints you could try this (from GuidoG's answer to another question):

    ON MMCompany (Email)
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  • 2020-12-08 02:40

    Drop the email column from the table. Put it in a new table where it can be NOT NULL and UNIQUE:

    CREATE TABLE CompanyEmail
        CompanyUniqueID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
           REFERENCES MMCompany (CompanyUniqueID),

    Avoid nullable UNIQUE constraints.

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