I\'m trying to monkey-patch (duck-punch :-) a LWP::UserAgent
instance, like so:
sub _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch {
return ($usernam
Perl thinks you're trying to call the subroutine on the left of the assignment, which is why it's complaining. I think you may be able to whack the Perl symbol table directly (using *LWP::UserAgent::get_basic_credentials
or something), but I lack the Perl-fu to correctly make that incantation.
In the spirit of Perl's "making hard things possible", here's an example of how to do single-instance monkey patching without mucking with the inheritance.
I DO NOT recommend you actually doing this in any code that anyone else will have to support, debug or depend on (like you said, consenting adults):
use strict;
use warnings;
package Monkey;
sub new { return bless {}, shift }
sub bar { return 'you called ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::bar' }
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
my $f = Monkey->new;
my $g = Monkey->new;
my $h = Monkey->new;
print $f->bar, "\n"; # prints "you called Monkey::bar"
monkey_patch( $f, 'bar', sub { "you, sir, are an ape" } );
monkey_patch( $g, 'bar', sub { "you, also, are an ape" } );
print $f->bar, "\n"; # prints "you, sir, are an ape"
print $g->bar, "\n"; # prints "you, also, are an ape"
print $h->bar, "\n"; # prints "you called Monkey::bar"
my %originals;
my %monkeys;
sub monkey_patch {
my ( $obj, $method, $new ) = @_;
my $package = ref($obj);
$originals{$method} ||= $obj->can($method) or die "no method $method in $package";
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
$monkeys{ refaddr($obj) }->{$method} = $new;
*{ $package . '::' . $method } = sub {
if ( my $monkey_patch = $monkeys{ refaddr( $_[0] ) }->{$method} ) {
return $monkey_patch->(@_);
} else {
return $originals{$method}->(@_);
Edit: This was an incorrect attempt at a solution that I'm keeping for posterity. Look at the upvoted/accepted answers. :-)
Ah, I just realized that the syntax needs a little bit of adjustment:
$agent->{get_basic_credentials} = _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch;
Without the {}
delimiters it looks like a method invocation (which would not be a valid l-value).
I'd still like to know how the instance method gets bound/looked up via this syntax. TIA!
If dynamic scope (using local
) isn't satisfactory, you can automate the custom package reblessing technique:
my $counter = 1; # could use a state var in perl 5.10
sub monkey_patch_instance
my($instance, $method, $code) = @_;
my $package = ref($instance) . '::MonkeyPatch' . $counter++;
no strict 'refs';
@{$package . '::ISA'} = (ref($instance));
*{$package . '::' . $method} = $code;
bless $_[0], $package; # sneaky re-bless of aliased argument
Example usage:
package Dog;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub speak { print "woof!\n" }
package main;
my $dog1 = Dog->new;
my $dog2 = Dog->new;
monkey_patch_instance($dog2, speak => sub { print "yap!\n" });
$dog1->speak; # woof!
$dog2->speak; # yap!
sub _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch {
return ($username, $password);
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$agent->get_basic_credentials = _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch;
You have not 1, but 2 problems here, because this is what you are doing:
( $agent->get_basic_credentials() ) = _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch();
on both sides cases, you're calling the subs instead of simply referring to them.
assign the result of
to the value that was returned from
Equivalent logic :
package FooBar;
sub foo(){
return 5;
my $x = bless( {}, "FooBar" );
sub baz(){
return 1;
$x->foo() = baz();
# 5 = 1;
So its no wonder its complaining.
Your "fixed" code in your answer is also wrong, for the same reason, with another problem you may not realise:
$agent->{get_basic_credentials} = _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch;
This is rather flawed logic thinking it works like you think it does.
What it is really doing, is:
1. Dereference $agent, which is a HashRef
2. Set the hash-key 'get_basic_credentials' to the result from _user_agent_get_basic_credentials_patch
You didn't assign any function at all.
package FooBar;
sub foo(){
return 5;
my $x = bless( {}, "FooBar" );
sub baz(){
return 1;
$x->{foo} = baz();
# $x is now = ( bless{ foo => 1 }, "FooBar" );
# $x->foo(); # still returns 5
# $x->{foo}; # returns 1;
Monkey patching is rather evil of course, and I have not myself seen how to override a method on a singular instance of something like that.
However, what you can do is this:
no strict 'refs';
*{'LWP::UserAgent::get_basic_credentials'} = sub {
# code here
Which will globally replace the get_basic_credentials code sections behaviour ( I might be wrong somewhat, somebody correct me )
If you really need to do it on a per-instance basis you could probably do a bit of class inheritance and just build a derived class instead, and/or dynamically create new packages.