Hi I\'m new to programming and I\'m trying to make my first app for iPhones on Xcode. My app contains of a button which opens a UIWebView when pressed and loads up a homepag
I followed Wolflink's answer and found the same problem not having the progressView animated.
After reading NSTimer Class Reference:
In Discussion you can read: "You must add the new timer to a run loop, using addTimer:forMode:. "
so I added
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:myTimer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
myTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:0.01667 target:self selector:@selector(timerCallback) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
It worked for me (As WolfLink recommended I did subclass UIProgressView )
It's difficult (if even possible), since you would have to track all resources loaded by the site, but …
I have one idea. It's more of a trick than a real solution, but I think even Apple uses this in Messages app :)
I think we all know, that this is how Messages app works, since I don't believe sending SMS can be tracked with such accurate progress :)
Some of these answers here are not completely correct, since they forgot to register the delegate for the webview. Unfortunately it is not enough to implement UIWebViewDelegate and override the two methods. You also have to set the delegate of the webview to self.
class ViewController: UIViewController,UIWebViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var webView: UIWebView!
@IBOutlet weak var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView!
@IBOutlet weak var myProgressView: UIProgressView!
var myTimer = NSTimer()
var theBool = Bool()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let url = NSURL(string: "https://www.youtube.com")
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
activityIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = true
// !
webView.delegate = self // <--- important
// !
func timerCallback(){
if theBool {
if myProgressView.progress >= 1 {
myProgressView.hidden = true
myProgressView.progress += 0.1
myProgressView.progress += 0.05
if myProgressView.progress >= 0.95 {
myProgressView.progress = 0.95
func webViewDidStartLoad(webView: UIWebView) {
myProgressView.progress = 0
theBool = false
myTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.01667,target: self,selector: #selector(ViewController.timerCallback),userInfo: nil,repeats: true)
func webViewDidFinishLoad(webView: UIWebView) {
theBool = true
This code refers to the answer @ZAFAR007