Although I use Hadoop frequently on my Ubuntu machine I have never thought about SUCCESS
and part-r-00000
files. The output always resides in
On the successful completion of a job, the MapReduce runtime creates a _SUCCESS file in the output directory. This may be useful for applications that need to see if a result set is complete just by inspecting HDFS. (MAPREDUCE-947)
This would typically be used by job scheduling systems (such as OOZIE), to denote that follow-on processing on the contents of this directory can commence as all the data has been output.
Update (in response to comment)
The output files are by default named part-x-yyyyy where:
is either 'm' or 'r', depending on whether the job was a map only job, or reduceyyyyy
is the mapper or reducer task number (zero based)So a job which has 32 reducers will have files named part-r-00000 to part-r-00031, one for each reducer task.