I want to use remote debugging. The program that I want to debug runs on machine b. Visual Studio runs on machine a.
On machine b I have a folder with the following
After you can attach the remote process
I had the same problem while remote debugging, it got resolved with the following steps on VS 2008:
Remote debugging in .NET will not work if you don't place the .PDB files into the same directory where the debugged code exists.
If VS still can't find source for debugging, the debugged code and the VS project source are not the same version. The solution is rebuilding and redeploying the project.
on the remote machine that points to the shared folder on your dev machineThe remote debugger will now search your dev machine for symbols. No need to copy them over for every build.
See MS Video here.
Start watching 8-9 minutes in. He demonstrates how to setup the remote debugger to load symbols from a drive share on your development machine.
Good luck!
Make sure you copy the .PDB file that is generated with your assembly into the same folder on the remote machine. This will allow the debugger to pickup the debug symbols.
I ran into this issue and the above solutions did not fix it for me. In my case, my VS2010 solution had many projects in it. The project I was trying to remotely debug was not set in my VS2010 solution as the StartUp Project, because my make scripts were not quite right.
I right-clicked on the project within my solution I was trying to debug and selected Set as StartUp Project
and then my symbols loaded properly and my breakpoint was hit.