Flutter - How to set status bar color when AppBar not present

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孤城傲影 2020-12-07 23:56

How to set status bar color when AppBar not present.

I have tried this but not working.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  • 2020-12-08 00:46
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new Scaffold(
            body: new Container(
                color: UniQueryColors.colorBackground,
        /* Wrapping ListView.builder with MediaQuery.removePadding() removes the default padding of the ListView.builder() and the status bar takes the color of the app background */
            child: MediaQuery.removePadding(
             removeTop: true,
             context: context,
            child: ListView.builder(
               itemCount: 7,
               itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index){
                 if (index == 0){
                   return addTopInfoSection();
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-08 00:48

    While searching for SystemChrome I found this: https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/services/SystemChrome/setSystemUIOverlayStyle.html

    Right above the sample code is a paragraph about AppBar.brightness.

    You should should be able to add an AppBar like this:

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new Scaffold(
            appBar: new AppBar(
                title: new Text('Nice title!'),
                brightness: Brightness.light,
            body: new Container(
            color: UniQueryColors.colorBackground,
            child: new ListView.builder(
               itemCount: 7,
               itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index){
                 if (index == 0){
                   return addTopInfoSection();

    Heres info about the Brightness

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-08 00:48

    As the solution is already mentioned, I am implementing it in a different approach. The approach followed is removing AppBar and changing the color of the status bar using Container widget.

    void main() {
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
          title: 'Test',
          home: Scaffold(
            primary: true,
            appBar: EmptyAppBar(),
            body: MyScaffold(),
    class MyScaffold extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Container(
          child: Text(
    class EmptyAppBar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Container(
          color: Colors.black,
      Size get preferredSize => Size(0.0, 0.0);
    • Here I am using EmptyAppBar class for removing the AppBar which is by default present in Scaffold
    • In EmptyAppBar class we can choose the required color in the container widget.
    • After that, you have your own custom MyScaffold class for creating your widgets. In my code, I've created a text.

    Reference: GitHub Issue

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-08 00:50

    If you take a look at the source code of AppBar, you can see they use an AnnotatedRegion widget. AnnotedRegion widget gives you more control on System overlay style. This is a more fluttery way to configure the system styles when an app bar is not used.

    From my understanding, this widget automatically sets the statusbar/navigationbar color when the widget wrapped in it gets overlaid by the statusbar/navigationbar.

    You can wrap your widget like this:

    import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
       return Scaffold(
          body: AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>(
             value: SystemUiOverlayStyle.light,                
             child: ...,

    For more information about AnnotatedRegion widget head over to the API Docs

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-08 00:51

    The status bar colour is rendered by the Android system. Whether that can be set from Flutter or not is up for debate: How to make Android status bar light in Flutter

    What you can do however, is change the status bar colour in the Android specific code by editing the theme: How to change the status bar color in android

    For iOS you'll have to see their documentation - I'm not familiar with the platform.

    There are in fact two Dart libraries, one for setting the light/dark theme of the statusbar and the other for setting the colour. I haven't used either, but clearly someone else has had the same issue you're facing and ended up developing their own package.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-08 00:53
    Here You can use flutter flutter_statusbar_manager 1.0.2 lib
    Flutter Statusbar Manager, lets you control the status bar color, style (theme), visibility, and translucent properties across iOS and Android. With some added bonus for Android to control the Navigation Bar.
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'dart:async';
    import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_statusbar_manager/flutter_statusbar_manager.dart';
    void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
    class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
      factory MyApp.forDesignTime() {
        // TODO: add arguments
        return new MyApp();
      _MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();
    class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
      double _statusBarHeight = 0.0;
      bool _statusBarColorAnimated = false;
      Color _statusBarColor = Colors.black;
      double _statusBarOpacity = 1.0;
      bool _statusBarHidden = false;
      StatusBarAnimation _statusBarAnimation = StatusBarAnimation.NONE;
      StatusBarStyle _statusBarStyle = StatusBarStyle.DEFAULT;
      bool _statusBarTranslucent = false;
      bool _loadingIndicator = false;
      bool _fullscreenMode = false;
      bool _navBarColorAnimated = false;
      Color _navBarColor = Colors.black;
      NavigationBarStyle _navBarStyle = NavigationBarStyle.DEFAULT;
      void initState() {
      // Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
      Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
        double statusBarHeight;
        // Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
        try {
          statusBarHeight = await FlutterStatusbarManager.getHeight;
        } on PlatformException {
          statusBarHeight = 0.0;
        if (!mounted) return;
        setState(() {
          _statusBarHeight = statusBarHeight;
      Widget renderTitle(String text) {
        final textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold);
        return Text(text, style: textStyle);
      void colorBarChanged(Color val) {
        this.setState(() {
          _statusBarColor = val;
      void updateStatusBar() {
            animated: _statusBarColorAnimated);
      void statusBarAnimationChanged(StatusBarAnimation val) {
        this.setState(() {
          _statusBarAnimation = val;
      void statusBarStyleChanged(StatusBarStyle val) {
        this.setState(() {
          _statusBarStyle = val;
      void colorNavBarChanged(Color val) {
        this.setState(() {
          _navBarColor = val;
      void updateNavBar() {
            animated: _navBarColorAnimated);
      void navigationBarStyleChanged(NavigationBarStyle val) {
        this.setState(() {
          _navBarStyle = val;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new MaterialApp(
          home: new Scaffold(
            appBar: new AppBar(
              title: const Text('Statusbar Manager example'),
            body: new Container(
              child: new Scrollbar(
                child: new ListView(
                  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 15.0, horizontal: 20.0),
                  children: <Widget>[
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Height: $_statusBarHeight"),
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Color:"),
                      value: _statusBarColorAnimated,
                      title: new Text("Animated:"),
                      onChanged: (bool value) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _statusBarColorAnimated = value;
                        value: Colors.black,
                        title: Text("Black"),
                        onChanged: colorBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarColor),
                        value: Colors.orange,
                        title: Text("Orange"),
                        onChanged: colorBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarColor),
                        value: Colors.greenAccent,
                        title: Text("Green"),
                        onChanged: colorBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarColor),
                        value: Colors.white30,
                        title: Text("White"),
                        onChanged: colorBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarColor),
                      value: _statusBarOpacity,
                      min: 0.0,
                      max: 1.0,
                      onChanged: (double val) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _statusBarOpacity = val;
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Hidden:"),
                      title: new Text("Hidden:"),
                      value: _statusBarHidden,
                      onChanged: (bool val) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _statusBarHidden = val;
                            animation: _statusBarAnimation);
                        value: StatusBarAnimation.NONE,
                        title: Text("NONE"),
                        onChanged: statusBarAnimationChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarAnimation),
                        value: StatusBarAnimation.FADE,
                        title: Text("FADE"),
                        onChanged: statusBarAnimationChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarAnimation),
                        value: StatusBarAnimation.SLIDE,
                        title: Text("SLIDE"),
                        onChanged: statusBarAnimationChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarAnimation),
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Style:"),
                        value: StatusBarStyle.DEFAULT,
                        title: Text("DEFAULT"),
                        onChanged: statusBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarStyle),
                        value: StatusBarStyle.LIGHT_CONTENT,
                        title: Text("LIGHT_CONTENT"),
                        onChanged: statusBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarStyle),
                        value: StatusBarStyle.DARK_CONTENT,
                        title: Text("DARK_CONTENT"),
                        onChanged: statusBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _statusBarStyle),
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Translucent:"),
                      title: new Text("Translucent:"),
                      value: _statusBarTranslucent,
                      onChanged: (bool val) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _statusBarTranslucent = val;
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Status Bar Activity Indicator:"),
                      title: new Text("Indicator:"),
                      value: _loadingIndicator,
                      onChanged: (bool val) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _loadingIndicator = val;
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Navigation Bar Color:"),
                      value: _navBarColorAnimated,
                      title: new Text("Animated:"),
                      onChanged: (bool value) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _navBarColorAnimated = value;
                        value: Colors.black,
                        title: Text("Black"),
                        onChanged: colorNavBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarColor),
                        value: Colors.orange,
                        title: Text("Orange"),
                        onChanged: colorNavBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarColor),
                        value: Colors.greenAccent,
                        title: Text("Green"),
                        onChanged: colorNavBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarColor),
                        value: Colors.white12,
                        title: Text("white"),
                        onChanged: colorNavBarChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarColor),
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Navigation Bar Style:"),
                        value: NavigationBarStyle.DEFAULT,
                        title: Text("DEFAULT"),
                        onChanged: navigationBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarStyle),
                        value: NavigationBarStyle.LIGHT,
                        title: Text("LIGHT"),
                        onChanged: navigationBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarStyle),
                        value: NavigationBarStyle.DARK,
                        title: Text("DARK"),
                        onChanged: navigationBarStyleChanged,
                        dense: true,
                        groupValue: _navBarStyle),
                    Divider(height: 25.0),
                    renderTitle("Fullscreen mode:"),
                      title: new Text("Fullscreen:"),
                      value: _fullscreenMode,
                      onChanged: (bool val) {
                        this.setState(() {
                          _fullscreenMode = val;
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