The following code works fine when head is sent as a parameter to it. As I am new to C, I couldn\'t understand how it works. Help me out please.
struct node
Another solution:
struct node *reverse_recur(struct node *temp)
return temp;
struct node *temp1=temp->link;
return (reverse_recur(temp1)->link=temp);
ll *rev_list(ll *prev, ll *cur)
if (!cur) {
return prev;
ll *tmp = cur;
cur = cur->next;
tmp->next = prev;
prev = tmp;
return rev_list(prev, cur);
Find complete code :
/* Reverses a linked list, returns head of reversed list
NodePtr reverseList(NodePtr curr) {
if (curr == NULL || curr->next == NULL) return curr; // empty or single element case
NodePtr nextElement = curr->next;
curr->next = NULL;
NodePtr head = reverseList(nextElement);
nextElement->next = curr;
return head;