Javascript self executing function “is not a function”

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慢半拍i 2020-12-07 23:09

I have:

var Init = (function() {
   my js goes here

And my js executes correctly when the page is loaded. I also have:

  • 2020-12-07 23:34

    you could do as above, but you could also do

    function Init(){...}(); 

    There's nothing to stop you from having a named self-executing function. If you want to avoid having a function named Init, you can do as CD Sanchez suggested and assign it in the execution.

    The (); at the end makes it self executing. Wrapping the function in parentheses makes it anonymous. But it seems that you don't want it to be anonymous.

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  • 2020-12-07 23:42

    It isn't a function.

    (function() {

    evaluates the anonymous function right then. And the result of the evaluation apparently does not return a function-object in this case :-)


    f = (function() {
       return "not a function :("


    f = (function() {
       return function () { return "Yay!" }

    Happy coding :)

    Here is a function which will "execute something once" and then "return that something to execute later". (See "You can either [assign] a function or call it; you can't do both..." from Slaks answer.) However, I wouldn't do it like this.

    Init = (function () {
      function Init () {
      return Init

    Here is another solution (much shorter/cleaner) from CD Sanchez (see comment) which takes advantage of the fact that an assignment evaluates to the assigned value:

    var Init; (Init = function Init () {
      alert ("wee");
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  • 2020-12-07 23:43

    Init isn't a function; it's the result of calling the function.

    You can either create a function or call it; you can't do both at once.

    Technically, you could fix that by adding return arguments.callee; to return the function from the call.
    However, that's a dumb idea.

    You probably shouldn't be calling the function; you need to understand what you want your code to do.

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  • 2020-12-07 23:49

    In order for Init to execute as a function, your code within the self-executing function must return a function, and the only reason to do this is if you need to construct a specific function dynamically dependent upon some data states:

    var Init = (function() {
        // some code
        return function () {
            // some dynamic code dependent upon your previous code
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  • 2020-12-07 23:56

    You may try declaring it this way:

    (function Init(){ 

    But this will reduce usage of this function into it's body

    Other way is to separate declaration from execution:

    var Init = function(){
        initResult = (function(){ return Init(); })();
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  • 2020-12-07 23:57

    Quick one Try replacing like this

    var Init = function() {
       my js goes here

    and on load call Init

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