I have searched on the internet regarding what an ANR is. And I studied those references as well. But I don\'t get details regarding a crash in Android.
Can someone
ANR also caused by-
ANR for ex: if You are downloading huge amount data in ui thread, meny other possibilities like insufficient memory etc it will come.. probably it leads to crashes in android , We can't say both are same one follows other
ANR stands for Application Not Responding and its occurs when long operation takes place into Main thread......
Crash are due to exception and error like Nullpoint,
This is good article at developer portal. It gives clarity in detail about ANR. https://developer.android.com/training/articles/perf-anr.html
ANR (Application Not Responding )is due to handling long running task in Main Thread
(UI thread).If the main thread is stopped for more than 5 sec you get ANR.
Crash are due to exception and error
like Nullpoint,classNotfound, typecast ,parse error etc. ANR also causes crash of application.
Note: Never run long running task on UI thread
Reference ANR
ANR stands for Application Not Responding, which means that your app does not register events on the UI Thread anymore because a long running operation is executed there