I\'m looking to get a random number in OpenCL. It doesn\'t have to be real random or even that random. Just something simple and quick.
I see there is a ton of rea
This is my version of OpenCL float pseudorandom noise, using trigonometric function
//noise values in range if 0.0 to 1.0
static float noise3D(float x, float y, float z) {
float ptr = 0.0f;
return fract(sin(x*112.9898f + y*179.233f + z*237.212f) * 43758.5453f, &ptr);
__kernel void fillRandom(float seed, __global float* buffer, int length) {
int gi = get_global_id(0);
float fgi = float(gi)/length;
buffer[gi] = noise3D(fgi, 0.0f, seed);
You can generate 1D or 2D noize by passing to noise3D normalized index coordinates as a first parameters, and the random seed (generated on CPU for example) as a last parameter.
Here are some noise pictures generated with this kernel and different seeds:
the following is the algorithm used by the java.util.Random
class according to the doc:
(seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1)
See the documentation for its various implementations. Passing the worker's id in for the seed and looping a few time should produce decent randomness
or another metod would be to have some random operations occur that are fairly ceratain to overflow:
long rand= yid*xid*as_float(xid-yid*xid);
with xid=get_global_id(0);
and yid= get_global_id(1);
It seems OpenCL does not provide such functionality. However, some people have done some research on that and provide BSD licensed code for producing good random numbers on GPU.
GPU don't have good sources of randomness, but this can be easily overcome by seeding a kernel with a random seed from the host. After that, you just need an algorithm that can work with a massive number of concurrent threads.
This link describes a Mersenne Twister implementation using OpenCL: Parallel Mersenne Twister. You can also find an implementation in the NVIDIA SDK.
you cant generate random numbers in kernel , the best option is to generate the random number in host (CPU) and than transfer that to the GPU through buffers and use it in the kernel.
I had the same problem. www.thesalmons.org/john/random123/papers/random123sc11.pdf
You can find the documentation here. http://www.thesalmons.org/john/random123/releases/latest/docs/index.html
You can download the library here: http://www.deshawresearch.com/resources_random123.html