Oracle: how to “group by” over a range?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-07 22:26

If I have a table like this:

pkey   age
----   ---
   1     8
   2     5
   3    12
   4    12
   5    22

I can \"group by\" to get a count

  • 2020-12-07 23:09

    add an age_range table and an age_range_id field to your table and group by that instead.

    // excuse the DDL but you should get the idea

    create table age_range(
    age_range_id tinyint unsigned not null primary key,
    name varchar(255) not null);
    insert into age_range values 
    (1, '18-24'),(2, '25-34'),(3, '35-44'),(4, '45-54'),(5, '55-64');

    // again excuse the DML but you should get the idea

     count(*) as counter, p.age_range_id,
      person p
    inner join age_range ar on p.age_range_id = ar.age_range_id
    group by
      p.age_range_id, order by counter desc;

    You can refine this idea if you like - add from_age to_age columns in the age_range table etc - but i'll leave that to you.

    hope this helps :)

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  • 2020-12-07 23:15

    My approach:

    select range, count(1) from (
    select case 
      when age < 5 then '0-4' 
      when age < 10 then '5-9' 
      when age < 15 then '10-14' 
      when age < 20 then '15-20' 
      when age < 30 then '21-30' 
      when age < 40 then '31-40' 
      when age < 50 then '41-50' 
      else                '51+' 
    as range from
    (select round(extract(day from feedback_update_time - feedback_time), 1) as age
    from txn_history
    ) ) group by range  
    • I have flexibility in defining the ranges
    • I do not repeat the ranges in select and group clauses
    • but some one please tell me, how to order them by magnitude!
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 23:18

    What you are looking for, is basically the data for a histogram.

    You would have the age (or age-range) on the x-axis and the count n (or frequency) on the y-axis.

    In the simplest form, one could simply count the number of each distinct age value like you already described:

    SELECT age, count(*)
    FROM tbl
    GROUP BY age

    When there are too many different values for the x-axis however, one may want to create groups (or clusters or buckets). In your case, you group by a constant range of 10.

    We can avoid writing a WHEN ... THEN line for each range - there could be hundreds if it were not about age. Instead, the approach by @MatthewFlaschen is preferable for the reasons mentioned by @NitinMidha.

    Now let's build the SQL...

    First, we need to split the ages into range-groups of 10 like so:

    • 0-9
    • 10-19
    • 20 - 29
    • etc.

    This can be achieved by dividing the age column by 10 and then calculating the result's FLOOR:


    "FLOOR returns the largest integer equal to or less than n"

    Then we take the original SQL and replace age with that expression:

    SELECT FLOOR(age/10), count(*)
    FROM tbl
    GROUP BY FLOOR(age/10)

    This is OK, but we cannot see the range, yet. Instead we only see the calculated floor values which are 0, 1, 2 ... n.

    To get the actual lower bound, we need to multiply it with 10 again so we get 0, 10, 20 ... n:

    FLOOR(age/10) * 10

    We also need the upper bound of each range which is lower bound + 10 - 1 or

    FLOOR(age/10) * 10 + 10 - 1

    Finally, we concatenate both into a string like this:

    TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10) || '-' || TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10 + 10 - 1)

    This creates '0-9', '10-19', '20-29' etc.

    Now our SQL looks like this:

    TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10) || ' - ' || TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10 + 10 - 1),
    FROM tbl
    GROUP BY FLOOR(age/10)

    Finally, apply an order and nice column aliases:

    TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10) || ' - ' || TO_CHAR(FLOOR(age/10) * 10 + 10 - 1) AS range,
    COUNT(*) AS frequency
    FROM tbl
    GROUP BY FLOOR(age/10)
    ORDER BY FLOOR(age/10)

    However, in more complex scenarios, these ranges might not be grouped into constant chunks of size 10, but need dynamical clustering. Oracle has more advanced histogram functions included, see

    Credits to @MatthewFlaschen for his approach; I only explained the details.

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  • 2020-12-07 23:19

    I had to get a count of samples by day. Inspired by @Clarkey I used TO_CHAR to extract the date of sample from the timestamp to an ISO-8601 date format and used that in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. (Further inspired, I also post it here in case it is useful to others.)

      TABLE X
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  • 2020-12-07 23:20

    Here is a solution which creates a "range" table in a sub-query and then uses this to partition the data from the main table:

      , COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY descr) n
    FROM age_table INNER JOIN (
      select '1-10' descr, 1 rng_start, 10 rng_stop from dual
      union (
      select '11-20', 11, 20 from dual
      ) union (
      select '20+', 21, null from dual
    )) ON age BETWEEN nvl(rng_start, age) AND nvl(rng_stop, age)
    ORDER BY descr;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 23:22


    select to_char(floor(age/10) * 10) || '-' 
    || to_char(ceil(age/10) * 10 - 1)) as age, 
    count(*) as n from tbl group by floor(age/10);
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