Git merge left HEAD marks in my files

前端 未结 5 731
旧时难觅i 2020-11-22 15:26

I tried to merge a file in the command line using Git, when an error message appeared telling me the merge was aborted.

I thought that was the end of it, but then I

  • 2020-11-22 15:49

    Absolutely start with 'git status' to see what you've got. If you aborted a merge (or had a merge aborted) and you've got conflicted files in the working directory then something went wrong. The Git status will tell you where you are. After that, you have a number of options. You should resolve the merge commit either by-hand, which can be challenging, or using a tool as:

    git mergetool

    The merge tool will work if your files are listed as needing a merge.

    You can also perform one of:

    git checkout --ours -- /path/to/conflicted-file       # this is probably the one you want
    git checkout --theirs -- /path/to/conflicted-file

    You can see the different versions using the :1:filename syntax. See here for an explanation. But all of the above assumes that 'git status' shows the files as needing a merge.

    Finally, you always have the option of:

    git reset --hard   # sounds like --hard is what you need but check other options
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  • 2020-11-22 15:49

    All of the answers are right but if you want to Autoremove all conflict marks & want to autochange the files to keep HEAD , then You can create your own bash script like :-

    Example Script:

    # vim /usr/sbin/solve.git

    (Append Following)

    for f in $(grep -Rl '^>>>>>>> ' --include="*.php" --include="*.css" --include="*.js" --include="*.html" --include="*.svg" --include="*.txt" .)
    sed -i -e '/^=======/,/^>>>>>>> /d' -e '/^<<<<<<< /d' $f
    sed -i -e '/^>>>>>>> /d' $f
    echo "$f Fixed"
    git add . ; git commit -am "[+] Resolved on `date` from `hostname` by `whoami`" --no-verify

    # chmod 755 /usr/sbin/solve.git

    & just run it in your GIT repo/path to resolve:

    $ cd <path_to_repo>
    $ solve.git

    Notice:- Above mentioned file extensions are php,css,js,html,svg & txt.

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  • 2020-11-22 15:50

    I'm coming from this question. And I wanted some automated method of merging the half merged files, instead of manually editing the files (as suggested in other answers, which I am not really comfortable doing). So here's what I ended up doing via netbeans, but can be done via command line too.

    Now, bear in mind, this only works if immediately after the merge->add->commit, you realised that you messed up, and want to re-go through the process.

    STEP 1: Reset to a previous commit.

    git reset --hard a992a93f9312c6fa07c3a1b471c85e9fbf767d0e

    STEP 2: Re-Try Merging the branch

    git merge --ff origin/feature/YOUR-Branch_here

    At this point you shall be prompted with the merging window if you are using a GUI. and you can then proceed as normal.

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  • 2020-11-22 15:59

    In Atom i had the issue that some files did not save the resolved merge conflicts to the drive, so i had to manually click "save". Took me quite some time to figure out.

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  • 2020-11-22 16:04

    Those are conflict markers. You're still in the process of merging, but there were some parts that Git couldn't merge automatically. You'll need to hand-edit those parts to what you want them to be and then commit the results.

    For instance, in your particular case, you'd probably want to resolve it like this (note - the arrows/text on the right are just my notes, not something you'd type into the file):

    integer = 
    <<<<<<< HEAD                                  <-+ remove the bits here
        digits:[0-9]+                               |
            { return digits.join(""); }             |
    =======                                       <-+
        sign:"-"* digits:[0-9]+
            { return sign + digits.join(""); }
    >>>>>>> gh-pages                              <-- and this

    and thus you'd save the file as...

    integer = 
        sign:"-"* digits:[0-9]+
            { return sign + digits.join(""); }
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