Since upgrading to XCode8 GM and ios10, all of my views created via Interface Builder are not being initialized correctly until much much later than expected. This means in
Only Update frame in your autolayout box .
The most common issues you describe are appearing in iOS 10 only and can be solved by adding this line (if necessary):
just above the code, that is responsible for changing constraint, layer.cornerRadius etc.
place your code related to frames / layers into viewDidLayoutSubviews()
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
view.layer.cornerRadius = self.myView.frame.size.width/2
view.clipsToBounds = true
... etc
I encountered the same issue and try to solve it without luck by referring above suggestions.
Seems it should be a bug for Apple to solve. I finally find a solution by changing to save my XIB document back to Xcode 7.x format and my UI back to normal.
Until Apple releasing a fix, I don't want to spend my time on hacking it.
I was having the exact same problem. I had custom UITableViewCell subclasses and was using clipsToBounds = YES
and self.iconView.layer.cornerRadius = self.iconView.frame.size.width/2
to give myself a circular image. Tried calling my cell configuration method from cellForRowAtIndexPath
and willDisplayCell
and neither worked.
Here is what works:
Move your layering code into the cell's -layoutSubviews
method like this:
-(void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
self.iconView.clipsToBounds = YES;
self.iconView.layer.cornerRadius = self.iconView.frame.size.width/2;
After this the images should load properly and your layering code should also work.
We created a radar (28342777 (marked as duplicate for 28221021 but Open)) for the similar problem and the reply that we got was as below:
"Thank you for reporting the issue. Could we get more information about the profile image view? In Xcode 8, a fully constraint, non-misplaced view no longer saves out a frame to minimize diffs and support automatically update frames in IB. At runtime, these views get decoded with a placeholder size of 1000x1000, but are resolved after first layout. Could the image be assigned before initial layout, and would assigning the image to the image view after first layout address this case? Please send a sample to help us further analyze. thanks!"
At present we have provided them the sample project. My observations:
Though Apple claims that it is going to be a standard from Xcode 8 that views will be set to 1000x1000, the behavior doesn't seem to be consistent.
Hope this helps.
What about doing this:
- (NSLayoutConstraint*)widthConstraint{
return [self constraintForAttribute:NSLayoutAttributeWidth];
- (NSLayoutConstraint*)heightConstraint {
return [self constraintForAttribute:NSLayoutAttributeHeight];
- (NSLayoutConstraint*)constraintForAttribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attribute {
NSLayoutConstraint *targetConstraint = nil;
for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in self.constraints) {
//NSLog(@"constraint: %@", constraint);
if (![constraint isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint")]) {
if (constraint.firstAttribute == attribute) {
targetConstraint = constraint;
return targetConstraint;