I am trying to export my database from MySQL Workbench but I get this during the export progress:
Running: mysqldump.exe --defaults-file=\"c:\\users
in version 8, I modified "wb_admin_export.py" and restart workbench. works for me
def start(self):
title = "Dumping " + schema
title += " (%s)" % table
# description, object_count, pipe_factory, extra_args, objects
args = []
class ViewsRoutinesEventsDumpData(DumpThread.TaskData):
def __init__(self, schema, views, args, make_pipe):
title = "Dumping " + schema + " views and/or routines and/or events"
if not views:
extra_args = ["--no-create-info"]
extra_args = []
DumpThread.TaskData.__init__(self,title, len(views), ["--skip-triggers", " --no-data" ," --no-create-db", "--column-statistics=0"] + extra_args + args, [schema] + views, None, make_pipe)```
To summarize what I did from the helpful comments of @JustinLaureno and @Mohd.Shaizad, tested on MySQL Workbench 8.0.18:
Navigate to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE\modules
Edit the file wb_admin_export.py
(you need admin permissions for this)
amend the line:
skip_column_statistics = True if get_mysqldump_version() > Version(8, 0, 2) and self.owner.ctrl_be.target_version < Version(8, 0, 0) else False
skip_column_statistics = True
DO NOT add inline comments or it won't work!
skip_column_statistics = True # This won't work
Restart MySQL Workbench
Perform the export
You can use native MySQL Workbench "Migration wizard" to migrate data without errors. It can be found in menu Database -> Migration Wizard It can transfer data "online" but I didn't found an option to create a dump file with it. It is a pretty good solution for migrations
I had the same issue 5 minutes ago.
I fixed it by adding in my mysqldump
command --column-statistics=0
Do it and it should work.
In my case it's a phing task but you should get the idea.
I found this condition in wb_admin_export.py
instead of a commented --column-statistics=0
. you can remove the else False
condition, or change it to else True
skip_column_statistics = True if get_mysqldump_version() > Version(8,
0, 2) and self.owner.ctrl_be.target_version < Version(8, 0, 0) else
Go to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE\modules
and open this file wb_admin_export.py
and uncomment "--column-statistics=0
" then Restart the workbench