How to iterate through a list of dictionaries in Jinja template?

后端 未结 5 1350
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-07 20:00

I tried:

list1 = [{\"username\": \"abhi\", \"pass\": 2087}]
return render_template(\"file_output.html\", list1=list1)

In the template:

  • 2020-12-07 20:21
    **get id from dic value. I got the result.try the below code**
    get_abstracts = s.get_abstracts(session_id)
        sessions = get_abstracts['sessions']
        abs = {}
        for a in get_abstracts['abstracts']:
            a_session_id = a['session_id']
        authors = {}
        # print('authors')
        # print(get_abstracts['authors'])
        for au in get_abstracts['authors']: 
            # print(au)
            au_abs_id = au['abs_id']
     **In jinja template**
    {% for s in sessions %}
              <h4><u>Session : {{ s.session_title}} - Hall : {{ s.session_hall}}</u></h4> 
                {% for a in abs[s.session_id] %}
                          <p><b>Chief Author :</b>  Dr. {{ a.full_name }}</p>  
                    {% for au in authors[a.abs_id] %}
                          <p><b> {{ au.role }} :</b> Dr.{{ au.full_name }}</p>
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 20:22

    As a sidenote to @Navaneethan 's answer, Jinja2 is able to do "regular" item selections for the list and the dictionary, given we know the key of the dictionary, or the locations of items in the list.


    parent_dict = [{'A':'val1','B':'val2', 'content': [["1.1", "2.2"]]},{'A':'val3','B':'val4', 'content': [["3.3", "4.4"]]}]

    in Jinja2 iteration:

    {% for dict_item in parent_dict %}
       This example has {{dict_item['A']}} and {{dict_item['B']}}:
           with the content --
           {% for item in dict_item['content'] %}{{item[0]}} and {{item[1]}}{% endfor %}.
    {% endfor %}

    The rendered output:

    This example has val1 and val2:
        with the content --
        1.1 and 2.2.
    This example has val3 and val4:
       with the content --
       3.3 and 4.4.
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 20:23
    {% for i in yourlist %}
      {% for k,v in i.items() %}
        {# do what you want here #}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 20:33

    Just a side note for similar problem (If we don't want to loop through):

    How to lookup a dictionary using a variable key within Jinja template?

    Here is an example:

    {% set key = target_db.Schema.upper()+"__"+target_db.TableName.upper() %}
    {{ dict_containing_df.get(key).to_html() | safe }}

    It might be obvious. But we don't need curly braces within curly braces. Straight python syntax works. (I am posting because I was confusing to me...)

    Alternatively, you can simply do

    {{dict[target_db.Schema.upper()+"__"+target_db.TableName.upper()]).to_html() | safe }}

    But it will spit an error when no key is found. So better to use get in Jinja.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 20:39


    parent_list = [{'A': 'val1', 'B': 'val2'}, {'C': 'val3', 'D': 'val4'}]

    in Jinja2 iteration:

    {% for dict_item in parent_list %}
       {% for key, value in dict_item.items() %}
          <h1>Key: {{key}}</h1>
          <h2>Value: {{value}}</h2>
       {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}


    Make sure you have the list of dict items. If you get UnicodeError may be the value inside the dict contains unicode format. That issue can be solved in your If the dict is unicode object, you have to encode into utf-8.

    0 讨论(0)