I\'m having trouble with my new installed Visual Studio Code on Windows 7. On Mac the editor automatically closes html tags but on my Win7 not. I assume there must be some o
I've encountered same problem on Mac Sierra (10.12.6) with VSCode (1.30.2), while editing an HTML file. According to the vscode documentations https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/html, the intellisense should work out of box.
Turned out that the "Language Detection" (on the right corner of editor status bar at the bottom of screen) is set to Automatic Detection, and recognized the file as django-html
. When manually switched back to plain Html, everything works.
From the 0.3.0 release notes
HTML auto closing of tags has now been removed and replaced with smarter IntelliSense on
You could try this extension for VS Code. It has implemented the auto close tag function and would meet with your requirement:
Just check the bottom of your vscode and change the language mode to HTML It might have been showing django-html or click ctrl + shift + p to change the language mode Screenshot
Now click [!] + TAB voila it's done!!!
I was suffering from the same problem,then I uninstalled unnecessary extensions from VS Code along with JavaScript (SE) extension and it worked for me.