I want to call a function in one PHP file from a second PHP file and also pass two parameters to that function. How can I do this?
I am very new to PHP. So please te
you can write the function in a separate file (say common-functions.php) and include it wherever needed.
function getEmployeeFullName($employeeId) {
// Write code to return full name based on $employeeId
You can include common-functions.php in another file as below.
echo 'Name of first employee is ' . getEmployeeFullName(1);
You can include any number of files to another file. But including comes with a little performance cost. Therefore include only the files which are really required.
Yes include the first file into the second. That's all.
See an example below,
File1.php :
function first($int, $string){ //function parameters, two variables.
return $string; //returns the second argument passed into the function
Now Using include
(http://php.net/include) to include the File1.php
to make its content available for use in the second file:
File2.php :
include 'File1.php';
echo first(1,"omg lol"); //returns omg lol;
files directory:
function sum(a,b){
return a+b;
function product(a,b){
return a*b;
require_once "functions.php";
echo "sum of two numbers ". sum(4,2);
echo "<br>"; // create break line
echo "product of two numbers ".product(2,3);
The Output Is :
sum of two numbers 6 product of two numbers 6
Note: don't write public before function. Public, private, these modifiers can only use when you create class.
function func1($param1, $param2)
echo $param1 . ', ' . $param2;
func1('Hello', 'world');
See manual