How can I multiply and divide using only bit shifting and adding?
This should work for multiplication:
.globl main
# $4 * $5 = $2
addi $4, $0, 0x9
addi $5, $0, 0x6
add $2, $0, $0 # initialize product to zero
beq $5, $0, Exit # if multiplier is 0,terminate loop
andi $3, $5, 1 # mask out the 0th bit in multiplier
beq $3, $0, Shift # if the bit is 0, skip add
addu $2, $2, $4 # add (shifted) multiplicand to product
sll $4, $4, 1 # shift up the multiplicand 1 bit
srl $5, $5, 1 # shift down the multiplier 1 bit
j Loop # go for next
Exit: #
li $v0,10
X * 2 = 1 bit shift left
X / 2 = 1 bit shift right
X * 3 = shift left 1 bit and then add X