I\'m working on a web project that involves a dynamically generated map of the US coloring different states based on a set of data.
This SVG file gives me a good b
You mention that you are doing this because IE doesn't support SVG.
The good news is that IE does support vector graphics. Okay, so it's in the form of a language called VML which only IE supports, rather than SVG, but it is there, and you can use it.
Google Maps, among others, will detect the browser capabilities to determine whether to serve SVG or VML.
Then there's the Raphael library, which is a Javascript browswer-based graphics library, which supports either SVG or VML, again depending on the browser.
Another one which may help: SVGWeb.
All of which means that you can support your IE users without having to resort to bitmap graphics.
See also the top answer to this question, for example: XSL Transform SVG to VML
When converting SVG to transparent PNG, don't forget to put this BEFORE $imagick->readImageBlob()
$imagick->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));