'sorry some error occurred' while integrating PayUMoney payment gateway in Test mode

前端 未结 9 573
南方客 2020-12-07 18:01

I\'m trying to integrate PayUMoney payment gateway in my client site. My client provided me the login details of PayUMoney. I was able to l

  • 2020-12-07 18:29

    This is confusing for the first timers. Supplied default key and salt will not work straight away.

    In order to test the gateway using a test key and salt, kindly follow these steps:

    1. Go on test.payumoney.com
    2. Sign up as a merchant - use any of your valid email ids - kindly do not use a random email id.
    3. Complete the "Business Details" - you may use PAN no. ABCDE1234F and DOB - 01/04/1990
    4. Complete "Bank Account Details" (You may use IFSC- ALLA0212632)
    5. You dont have to worry about Bank verification step or any other step after that.
    6. Go to below mentioned location to get the Test Merchant Id : Seller Dashboard -> Settings -> My account -> Profile Settings

    7. After that send your test merchant id to technical team using contact us form and they will approve.

    8. Once approved you can find your test key and salt at : Seller Dashboard -> Settings -> My account -> Merchant Key - Salt.
    9. Replace default key and salt with newly generated test key and salt. After this you should not see error, Sorry, Some Problem Occurred.

    I hope this helps.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 18:34

    Try this:

     * Returns the pay page url or the merchant js file.
     * @param unknown $params           
     * @param unknown $salt         
     * @throws Exception
     * @return Ambigous <multitype:number string , multitype:number Ambigous <boolean, string> >
    function pay ( $params, $salt )
        if ( ! is_array( $params ) ) throw new Exception( 'Pay params is empty' );
        if ( empty( $salt ) ) throw new Exception( 'Salt is empty' );
        $payment = new Payment( $salt );
        $result = $payment->pay( $params );
        unset( $payment );
        return $result;
     * Displays the pay page.
     * @param unknown $params           
     * @param unknown $salt         
     * @throws Exception
    function pay_page ( $params, $salt )
        if ( count( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST['mihpayid'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['mihpayid'] ) ) {
            $_POST['surl'] = $params['surl'];
            $_POST['furl'] = $params['furl'];
            $result = response( $_POST, $salt );
            Misc::show_reponse( $result );
        } else {
            $host = (isset( $_SERVER['https'] ) ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) $params['surl'] = $host;
            if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) $params['furl'] = $host;
            $result = pay( $params, $salt );
            Misc::show_page( $result );
     * Returns the response object.
     * @param unknown $params           
     * @param unknown $salt         
     * @throws Exception
     * @return number
    function response ( $params, $salt )
        if ( ! is_array( $params ) ) throw new Exception( 'PayU response params is empty' );
        if ( empty( $salt ) ) throw new Exception( 'Salt is empty' );
        if ( empty( $params['status'] ) ) throw new Exception( 'Status is empty' );
        $response = new Response( $salt );
        $result = $response->get_response( $_POST );
        unset( $response );
        return $result;
     * Basic autoloader
     * @param classname $file           
    define( 'INCLUDE_PATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/src/' );
    function __autoload ( $file )
        require_once INCLUDE_PATH . $file . '.php';
    /* Should libcurl or curl.so be absent. */
    if ( ! function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) :
        define( 'CURLOPT_URL', 1 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_USERAGENT', 2 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_POST', 3 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS', 4 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER', 5 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_REFERER', 6 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_HEADER', 7 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_TIMEOUT', 8 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT', 9 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION', 10 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER', 11 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_PROXY', 12 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_PORT', 13 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER', 14 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST', 15 );
        define( 'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER', 16 );
        function curl_init ( $url = false )
            return new Curl( $url );
        function curl_setopt ( &$ch, $name, $value )
            $ch->setopt( $name, $value );
        function curl_exec ( $ch )
            return $ch->exec();
        function curl_close ( &$ch )
            unset( $ch );
        function curl_errno ( $ch )
            return $ch->error;
        function curl_error ( $ch_error )
            return "Could not open socket";
        function curl_getinfo ( $ch, $opt = NULL )
            return $ch->info;
        function curl_setopt_array ( &$ch, $opt )
            $ch->setoptArray( $opt );
    class Curl {
        private $url = "";
        private $user_agent = "libCurl";
        private $return_result = false;
        private $referrer = false;
        private $cookies_on = false;
        private $proxy = array ();
        private $timeout = 30;
        private $cookies;
        private $headers;
        private $method = "GET";
        private $httpHeader = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        public $error = 0;
        public $info = array ();
        function __construct ( $url = false )
            $this->cookies = new Cookies();
            $this->url = $url;
            $this->info['total_time'] = time();
        function __destruct ()
        private function getHost ( $url )
            $url = str_replace( array ( "http://", "https://" ), "", $url );
            $tmp = explode( "/", $url );
            return $tmp[0];
        private function getQuery ( $url )
            $url = str_replace( array ( "http://", "https://" ), "", $url );
            $tmp = explode( "/", $url, 2 );
            return "/" . $tmp[1];
        private function _parseRawData ( $rawData )
            $array = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $rawData, 2 );
            $this->header_data = $array[0];
            $this->content = $array[1];
            $this->_parseHeaders( $array[0] );
        private function _parseHeaders ( $rawHeaders )
            $rawHeaders = trim( $rawHeaders );
            $headers = explode( "\r\n", $rawHeaders );
            foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
                if ( preg_match( "|http/1\.. (\d+)|i", $header, $match ) ) {
                    $this->status_code = $match[1];
                $headerArray = explode( ":", $header );
                $headerName = trim( $headerArray[0] );
                $headerValue = trim( $headerArray[1] );
                if ( preg_match( "|set-cookie2?|i", $headerName ) ) $this->cookies->add( $headerValue );
                if ( isset( $headerName ) ) $this->headers[strtolower( $headerName )] = $headerValue;
            if ( isset( $this->headers["location"] ) ) {
                $this->url = $this->headers["location"];
        public function setopt ( $name, $value = false )
            switch ( $name ) {
            case CURLOPT_URL :
                $this->url = $value;
                $this->proxy["port"] = substr( $this->url, 0, 5 ) === 'https' ? 443 : 80;
            case CURLOPT_USERAGENT :
                $this->user_agent = $value;
            case CURLOPT_POST :
                $this->method = ($value == true) ? "POST" : "GET";
            case CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS :
                $this->post_data = $value;
                $this->return_result = ($value == true);
            case CURLOPT_REFERER :
                $this->referrer = $value;
            case CURLOPT_HEADER :
                $this->options["header"] = ($value == true);
            case CURLOPT_PROXY :
                list ( $this->proxy["host"], $this->proxy["port"] ) = explode( ":", $value );
            case CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT : /* Fall through. */
            case CURLOPT_TIMEOUT :
                $this->timeout = ($value >= 0) ? $value : 30;
            case CURLOPT_PORT :
                $this->proxy["port"] = $value ? $value : (substr( $this->url, 0, 5 ) === 'https' ? 443 : 80);
            case CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER :
                $this->httpHeader = substr( implode( ";", $value ), 0, - 1 );
        public function setoptArray ( $options )
            foreach ( $options as $name => $value )
                $this->setopt( $name, $value );
        public function exec ()
            $errno = false;
            $errstr = false;
            $url = $this->url;
            $host = $this->getHost( $url );
            $query = $this->getQuery( $url );
            $this->proxy["host"] = $host;
            if ( isset( $this->proxy["port"] ) ) {
                $this->proxy["host"] = (443 === $this->proxy["port"]) ? "ssl://$host" : $host;
                $fp = pfsockopen( $this->proxy["host"], $this->proxy["port"], $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout );
                $request = $query;
            } else {
                $fp = pfsockopen( $host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout );
                $request = $query;
            if ( ! $fp ) { /*trigger_error($errstr, E_WARNING);*/ $this->error = 1;
            $headers = $this->method . " $request HTTP/1.0 \r\nHost: $host \r\n";
            if ( $this->user_agent ) $headers .= "User-Agent: " . $this->user_agent . "\r\n";
            if ( $this->referrer ) $headers .= "Referer: " . $this->referrer . "\r\n";
            if ( $this->method == "POST" ) {
                $headers .= "Content-Type: " . $this->httpHeader . "\r\n";
                $headers .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $this->post_data ) . "\r\n";
            if ( $this->cookies_on ) $headers .= $this->cookies->createHeader();
            $headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
            if ( "POST" == $this->method ) $headers .= $this->post_data;
            $headers .= "\r\n\r\n";
            fwrite( $fp, $headers );
            $rawData = "";
            while ( ! feof( $fp ) )
                $rawData .= fread( $fp, 512 );
                /* fclose($fp); /* Too lazy to read the docs.*/
            $this->info['total_time'] = time() - $this->info['total_time'];
            $this->_parseRawData( $rawData );
            if ( $this->options["header"] ) $this->content = $rawData;
            if ( $this->return_result ) return $this->content;
            echo $this->content;
    class Cookies {
        private $cookies;
        function __construct ()
        function __destruct ()
        public function add ( $cookie )
            list ( $data, $etc ) = explode( ";", $cookie, 2 );
            list ( $name, $value ) = explode( "=", $data );
            $this->cookies[trim( $name )] = trim( $value );
        public function createHeader ()
            if ( 0 == count( $this->cookies ) || ! is_array( $this->cookies ) ) return "";
            $output = "";
            foreach ( $this->cookies as $name => $value )
                $output .= "$name=$value; ";
            return "Cookies: $output\r\n";
    class Misc {
        const SUCCESS = 1;
        const FAILURE = 0;
        public static function get_hash ( $params, $salt )
            $posted = array ();
            if ( ! empty( $params ) ) foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                $posted[$key] = htmlentities( $value, ENT_QUOTES );
            $hash_sequence = "key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5|udf6|udf7|udf8|udf9|udf10";
            $hash_vars_seq = explode( '|', $hash_sequence );
            $hash_string = null;
            foreach ( $hash_vars_seq as $hash_var ) {
                $hash_string .= isset( $posted[$hash_var] ) ? $posted[$hash_var] : '';
                $hash_string .= '|';
            $hash_string .= $salt;
            return strtolower( hash( 'sha512', $hash_string ) );
        public static function reverse_hash ( $params, $salt, $status )
            $posted = array ();
            $hash_string = null;
            if ( ! empty( $params ) ) foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                $posted[$key] = htmlentities( $value, ENT_QUOTES );
            $additional_hash_sequence = 'base_merchantid|base_payuid|miles|additional_charges';
            $hash_vars_seq = explode( '|', $additional_hash_sequence );
            foreach ( $hash_vars_seq as $hash_var )
                $hash_string .= isset( $posted[$hash_var] ) ? $posted[$hash_var] . '|' : '';
            $hash_sequence = "udf10|udf9|udf8|udf7|udf6|udf5|udf4|udf3|udf2|udf1|email|firstname|productinfo|amount|txnid|key";
            $hash_vars_seq = explode( '|', $hash_sequence );
            $hash_string .= $salt . '|' . $status;
            foreach ( $hash_vars_seq as $hash_var ) {
                $hash_string .= '|';
                $hash_string .= isset( $posted[$hash_var] ) ? $posted[$hash_var] : '';
            return strtolower( hash( 'sha512', $hash_string ) );
        public static function curl_call ( $url, $data )
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt_array( $ch, array ( 
                CURLOPT_URL => $url, 
                CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data, 
                CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
                CURLOPT_POST => true, 
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, 
                CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36', 
                CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, 
                CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0 ) );
            $o = curl_exec( $ch );
            if ( curl_errno( $ch ) ) {
                $c_error = curl_error( $ch );
                if ( empty( $c_error ) ) $c_error = 'Server Error';
                return array ( 'curl_status' => Misc::FAILURE, 'error' => $c_error );
            $o = trim( $o );
            return array ( 'curl_status' => Misc::SUCCESS, 'result' => $o );
        public static function show_page ( $result )
            if ( $result['status'] === Misc::SUCCESS )
                header( 'Location:' . $result['data'] );
                throw new Exception( $result['data'] );
        public static function show_reponse ( $result )
            if ( $result['status'] === Misc::SUCCESS )
                return $result['data'];
    class Payment {
        private $url;
        private $salt;
        private $params = array ();
        public function __construct ( $salt, $env = 'test' )
            $this->salt = $salt;
            switch ( $env ) {
            case 'test' :
                $this->url = 'https://test.payu.in/';
            case 'prod' :
                $this->url = 'https://secure.payu.in/';
            default :
                $this->url = 'https://test.payu.in/';
        public function __destruct ()
            unset( $this->url );
            unset( $this->salt );
            unset( $this->params );
        public function __set ( $key, $value )
            $this->params[$key] = $value;
        public function __get ( $key )
            return $this->params[$key];
        public function pay ( $params = null )
            if ( is_array( $params ) ) foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                $this->params[$key] = $value;
            $error = $this->check_params();
            if ( $error === true ) {
                $this->params['hash'] = Misc::get_hash( $this->params, $this->salt );
                $result = Misc::curl_call( $this->url . '_payment?type=merchant_txn', http_build_query( $this->params ) );
                $transaction_id = ($result['curl_status'] === Misc::SUCCESS) ? $result['result'] : null;
                if ( empty( $transaction_id ) ) return array ( 
                    'status' => Misc::FAILURE, 
                    'data' => $result['error'] );
                return array ( 
                    'status' => Misc::SUCCESS, 
                    'data' => $this->url . '_payment_options?mihpayid=' . $transaction_id );
            } else {
                return array ( 'status' => Misc::FAILURE, 'data' => $error );
        private function check_params ()
            if ( empty( $this->params['key'] ) ) return $this->error( 'key' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['txnid'] ) ) return $this->error( 'txnid' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['amount'] ) ) return $this->error( 'amount' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['firstname'] ) ) return $this->error( 'firstname' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['email'] ) ) return $this->error( 'email' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['phone'] ) ) return $this->error( 'phone' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['productinfo'] ) ) return $this->error( 'productinfo' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['surl'] ) ) return $this->error( 'surl' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['furl'] ) ) return $this->error( 'furl' );
            return true;
        private function error ( $key )
            return 'Mandatory parameter ' . $key . ' is empty';
    class Response {
        private $salt;
        private $params = array ();
        public function __construct ( $salt )
            $this->salt = $salt;
        public function __destruct ()
            unset( $this->salt );
            unset( $this->params );
        public function __set ( $key, $value )
            $this->params[$key] = $value;
        public function __get ( $key )
            return $this->params[$key];
        public function get_response ( $params = null )
            $this->params = (is_array( $params ) && count( $params )) ? $params : $_POST;
            $error = $this->check_params();
            if ( $error === true ) {
                if ( Misc::reverse_hash( $this->params, $this->salt, $this->params['status'] ) === $this->params['hash'] ) {
                    switch ( $this->params['status'] ) {
                    case 'success' :
                        return array ( 
                            'status' => Misc::SUCCESS, 
                            'data' => $this->params['surl'] );
                    case 'failure' :
                        return array ( 
                            'status' => Misc::SUCCESS, 
                            'data' => $this->params['furl'] );
                    default :
                        return array ( 
                            'status' => Misc::FAILURE, 
                            'data' => 'Unmapped status' );
                } else {
                    return array ( 
                        'status' => Misc::FAILURE, 
                        'data' => 'Hash Mismatch' );
            } else {
                return array ( 'status' => Misc::FAILURE, 'data' => $error );
        private function check_params ()
            if ( empty( $this->params['key'] ) ) return $this->error( 'key' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['txnid'] ) ) return $this->error( 'txnid' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['amount'] ) ) return $this->error( 'amount' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['firstname'] ) ) return $this->error( 'firstname' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['email'] ) ) return $this->error( 'email' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['phone'] ) ) return $this->error( 'phone' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['productinfo'] ) ) return $this->error( 'productinfo' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['surl'] ) ) return $this->error( 'surl' );
            if ( empty( $this->params['furl'] ) ) return $this->error( 'furl' );
            return true;
        private function error ( $key )
            return 'Mandatory parameter ' . $key . ' is empty';
    $txnid = uniqid();
    $response = pay_page( array ('key' => 'tradus', 'txnid' => uniqid( 'animesh_' ), 'amount' => rand( 0, 100 ),'firstname' => 'animesh', 'email' => 'animesh.kundu@payu.in', 'phone' => '1234567890','productinfo' => 'This is shit', 'surl' => 'payment_success', 'furl' => 'payment_failure'), '200' );
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 18:39

    The Key and salt provided by payumoney is invalid use the following for testing:

    // Merchant key here as provided by Payu
    $MERCHANT_KEY = "gtKFFx";
    // Merchant Salt as provided by Payu
    $SALT = "eCwWELxi";

    And make sure to leave service provider field blank.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 18:39

    It also causes trouble if you are using default form and it asks for Product Info. In their PDF document they have given a json format for product info like this -

    {“paymentParts”:[{ "name":"abc",
    “settlementEvent” : “EmailConfirmation” },
    “settlementEvent”: “EmailConfirmation” }],
    {“paymentIdentifiers”:[{ "field":"CompletionDate",
    }, {
    "field":"TxnId", "value":"abced"

    Inserting this json into the Product Info textarea might help you to solve the problem.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 18:41

    There is a field "Service Provider"in the form (param name is - service_provider). The value of this field should be 'payu_paisa'. If you fill anything else in this field in the form, you will get an error.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-07 18:47

    Leave the Service Provider field as blank. That should work.

    0 讨论(0)