I\'m using setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled in order to show the arrow instead of the drawer \"burger\" icon but it\'s not getting animated or anything. Instead it shows the arrow
Since the question was asked, an alternative way has become available. The animated arrow is implemented by the now public class DrawerArrowDrawable
which implements Drawable
In your code, set the navigation icon as follows:
DrawerArrowDrawable drawerArrow = new DrawerArrowDrawable(this);
Register an OnBackStackChangedListener
and animate the arrow manually:
public void onBackStackChanged() {
boolean drawer = getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0;
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(drawerArrow, "progress", drawer ? 0 : 1).start();
Sounds like it's working as intended, you can use setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled
to simply enable the home button to be used as a back button, there is no animation.
If you're using a navigation drawer and want the animation don't use setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled
and for material theme (at least with AppCompat v21) make sure you use ActionBarDrawerToggle
from the v7 package.
The Play Store is a good example. At the top level you have an activity with a nav drawer and a hamburger that animates when you open the drawer. If you tap on an app it opens a new activity that has a back arrow.
I haven't tested this, but you may be able to achieve this by animating a float between 0 (drawer closed) and 1 (drawer open) and then passing the value into ActionBarDrawerToggle.onDrawerSlide(View, float)
. I believe that's how the toggle determines what state the animated toggle should be in.
Something like this should work.
ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(start, end);
anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
float slideOffset = (Float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue();
toolbarDrawerToggle.onDrawerSlide(drawerLayout, slideOffset);
anim.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
// You can change this duration to more closely match that of the default animation.