I have a Spring bean defined in an xml file. I want to reference it from another xml file. How can I go about it?
You reference it exactly as you would reference a bean in the same XML file. If a spring context is composed of several XML files, all the beans are part of the same context, and thus share a unique namespace.
Just import the xml defining the bean with <import resource="otherXml.xml">
and you will be able to use the bean definition.
You can use classpath:
in the resource
<import resource="classpath:anotherXXML.xml" />
See the "3.18. Importing Bean Definitions from One File Into Another" in this chapter of the Spring Reference
You have a couple of options:
<import resource="classpath:config/spring/that-other-xml-conf.xml"/>
<bean id="yourCoolBean" class="org.jdong.MyCoolBean">
<property name="anotherBean" ref="thatOtherBean"/>
ConstructionMake both files a part of your ApplicationContext
when you create it => then no import is needed.
For example if you need it during testing:
@ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:META-INF/conf/spring/this-xml-conf.xml",
"classpath:META-INF/conf/spring/that-other-xml-conf.xml" })
public class CleverMoneyMakingBusinessServiceIntegrationTest {...}
In case it is a web app, you'd do it in web.xml
If it is a stand alone app, library, etc.. you would load your ApplicationContext
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
new String[] { "classpath:META-INF/conf/spring/this-xml-conf.xml",
"classpath:META-INF/conf/spring/that-other-xml-conf.xml" } );
You may also go about this by loading multiple Spring bean configuration files in the code :
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
new String[] {"Spring-Common.xml", "Spring-Connection.xml","Spring-ModuleA.xml"});
Put all spring xml files under project classpath:
However, the above implementation is a lack of organizing and error prone, the better way should be organized all your Spring bean configuration files into a single XML file. For example, create a Spring-All-Module.xml
file, and import the entire Spring bean files like this :
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<import resource="common/Spring-Common.xml"/>
<import resource="connection/Spring-Connection.xml"/>
<import resource="moduleA/Spring-ModuleA.xml"/>
Now you can load a single xml file like this :
ApplicationContext context =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(Spring-All-Module.xml);
Note In Spring3, the alternative solution is using JavaConfig @Import.
Or if you are just refactoring beans into several files to keep the single xml file from growing to large, simply reference it from its current folder:
<import resource="processors/processor-beans.xml"/>
Answer provided by tolitius is very detailed. Just for the problem mentioned by Peter Butkovic
for me web.xml chunk throws error. One param-value seems to be allowed only in place. – Peter Butkovic
I met the same problem and solved by spliting two paths with "," in the same tag.
It will look like this