I\'ve got a maven & spring app that I want logging in. I\'m keen to use SLF4J.
I want to put all my config files into a directory {classpath}/config including lo
You'll find an example at https://github.com/mbogoevici/spring-samples/tree/master/mvc-basic/trunk. You need to include some dependencies in your POM file to enable logging.
<!-- Logging -->
Use blow configuration for implementation of the JCL API
on the classpath
for More information check here
In addition to Jatin's answer:
Spring uses Jakarta Commons Logging as a logging API. In order to log to slf4j, you need to make sure commons-logging
is not on the classpath. jcl-over-slf4j
is a replacement jar for commons-logging.
If you're using maven, you can detect where commons-logging comes from using mvn dependency:tree
and exclude it from all dependencies that require it using dependency exclusions. You might need to run mvn dependency:tree
several times though, because it only shows the first occurence of a transitive dependency.
keep log4j file in default package
I like the logback way, and for slf4j, we do the similar config:
slf4j-log4j12 will automatically introduce slf4j-api and log4j, so don't need to put so many dependencies
Just add lazy-init="false"
to eagerly load the bean for log4j configuration in your root context. That should solve the WARN message log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
<bean id="log4jInitialization" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean" lazy-init="false">
A more better approach would be to have the configuration in web.xml or as a JVM parameter (-Dlog4j.configuration=.../conf/log4j.xml
or with 'file:' prefix as -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/log4j.properties
for some cases)