I have a Google Maps Autocomplete input field inside a Twitter Bootstrap modal dialog and the autocomplete result is not displayed. However, if I press the down arrow key, i
Bootstrap's .modal
is by default 1050.
jQuery UI's .ui-autocomplete
is by default 3.
So put this on the CSS:
/* Fix Bootstrap .modal compatibility with jQuery UI Autocomplete,
see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10957781/google-maps-autocomplete-result-in-bootstrap-modal-dialog */
.ui-autocomplete {
z-index: 1051 !important;
Works wonders! :)
In general, you can just bump up the .pac-container z-index to anything above 1050 and you won't need the other CSS overrides.
I discovered that this problem also exists for jQuery UI dialogs. So in case it ends up being helpful to anyone else, here's a quick reference for where the Bootstrap/jQuery UI modals live in the z-plane:
jQuery UI Dialog - z-index: 1001
Bootstrap Modal - z-index: 1050
In my scenario the .pac-container 's z-index value will be init and override to 1000, even I set in CSS. (possibly by google API?)
my dirty fix
$('#myModal').on('shown', function() {
$(".pac-container").css("z-index", $("#myModal").css("z-index"));
.pac-container {
z-index: 1051 !important;
did it for me
I have spend 2,3 hours to just digging out the error with google places API drop down z index. Finally I have found this. Just paste this code at top of your JS script and update the input id name.
var pacContainerInitialized = false;
$("#inputField").keypress(function() {
if (!pacContainerInitialized) {
$(".pac-container").css("z-index", "9999");
pacContainerInitialized = true;
Full reference link. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-maps-js-api-v3/GZX0ynQNn1M Thanks to Gautam.
If you are using Visual Studio, on your style.css
page set the z-index
for .modal
to 20.
.modal {
z-index: 20 !important;