I am getting warning as \"[Accessibility] Missing contentDescription attribute on image\" for imageview. while using android lint
What does that mean?
Another option is to suppress the warning individually:
xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" (usually inserted automatically)
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
tools:ignore="contentDescription" >
android:src="@drawable/icon" />
Since I need the ImageView to add an icon just for aesthetics I've added tools:ignore="ContentDescription"
within each ImageView I had in my xml file.
I'm no longer getting any error messages
I recommend you to add the contentDescription.
but, let's be realistic. Most people don't maintain literal for accessibility. Still, with little effort, you can implement something to help people with disability.
<string name="contentDescriptionUseless">deco</string>
<string name="contentDescriptionAction">button de action</string>
<string name="contentDescriptionContent">image with data</string>
<string name="contentDescriptionUserContent">image from an other user</string>
The most important thing the blind user will need to know is "Where is the button that I need to click to continue"
Use contentDescriptionAction for anything clickable.
use contentDescriptionContent for image with information (graph, textAsImage, ...)
use contentDescriptionUserContent for all user provided content.
use contentDescriptionUseless for all the rest.
Disabling Lint warnings will easily get you into trouble later on. You're better off just specifying contentDescription for all of your ImageViews. If you don't need a description, then just use:
Go to Gradle
file (module app), add below code block
android {
lintOptions {
disable 'ContentDescription'
No more warning! happy coding
Since it is only a warning you can suppress it. Go to your XML's Graphical Layout and do this:
Click on the right top corner red button
Select "Disable Issue Type" (for example)