I have a Team to which I would like to add players (objects of Player). I\'ve set up the form \"type\" classes correctly. Here\'s the relevant part of my view:
This was bugging me too. I customized a field type and even made simple form types with a reduced fieldset (for more complex objects), but it just didn't feel right. I've come up with a solution that should do the trick :)
First - I think your <div id="team" data-prototype="...">
should be outside your loop.
Next, your prototype is just a form view object, so if you pass it to a template you can render fields by hand and customize the output. Note: autoescape has no effect on included content, so use 'filter escape'.
<div id="playerFields" data-prototype="{% filter escape %}{% include 'AcmeTeamBundle:Team:prototypePlayer.html.twig' with {'form': form.players.get('prototype')} %}{% endfilter %}">
Then in your prototypePlayer.html.twig, just render each field as you normally would in a form view.
<span class="title">{{ form_label(form.name) }}</span>
{{ form_row(form.name) }}
<span class="age">{{ form_label(form.age) }}</span>
{{ form_row(form.age) }}
{# render whatever else you like from your Form/PlayerType class... #}
My template has a different data structure to your question, but it should help :)
As of Symfony 2.1, .get()
is deprecated and the above will not work. Replace form.players.get('prototype')
with form.players.vars.prototype
to fix this in later versions of Symfony.