I have a PHP script I want to use for creating a new blog in WPMU. I am having trouble calling WordPress functions like wpmu_create_user and wpmu_create_blog.
My hop
I think you have to add this line before any usage of wordpress function in your custom file. and make sure i have add ../ 3 times as per my wordpress installation structure.It's depends on your structure checks manually. ex. if your custom file is inside your themes/yourtheme/custom.php then above code will works perfectly and if not then add ../ or remove one or more ../ as per your path.
For wordpress 3.1, I had to specify the host/domain because wp-includes/ms-settings.php:100 needs it or it dies. So my script looks something like (note I am using it for a network/multiblog site):
#!/usr/bin/php -q
#for multi-blog only
$blog_id = 1;
#specify host or domain (needed for wp-includes/ms-settings.php:100)
$_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] = 'localhost';
#location of wp-load.php so we have access to database and $wpdb object
$wp_load_loc = "/path/to/wordpress/wp-load.php";
#for multi-blog only
#test to make sure we can access database
echo $wpdb->prefix;
WordPress uses a phpass function.
This worked for me as I had a password, and the hash in a table (migrated WordPress users) and had to find a way to check login details.
Grab this download here - https://github.com/sunnysingh/phpass-starter
All you need is this basic function to check a text password to a WordPress hash:
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false);
// Check that the password is correct
$check = $hasher->CheckPassword($password, $stored_hash);
if ($check) {
// Password good
} else {
// Password wrong
All credits to Sunny Singh!
Following is the code I am using:
require_once ('/path/to/wordpress/wp-load.php');
require_once ('/path/to/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php');
require_once ('/path/to/wordpress/wp-includes/registration.php');
do_action('wpmuadminedit', '');
//Code to Connect and Select the external database
//Code to Connect to the external DB and get the new order details:
NewBlogName=$name and AdminEmail=$email
if ( !email_exists($email) )
// email does exist, create a new user
$name = create_name_from_email($email);
$password = "use a default password";
$user_id=wpmu_create_user($name, $password, $email);
create_blog($email, $title, $user_id, $password);
// user exists, create new blog
$password = "use existing wordpress password";
create_blog($email, $title, $user_id, $password);
function create_name_from_email ($email) {
$name = $matches[1];
return $name;
//Creates a new blog, expects user to already exist.
function create_blog($email, $title, $user_id, $password)
//Code to Update external DB that the order is in process
$public = array("public" => 1);
if (constant('VHOST') == 'yes')
$newdomain = $domain . "." . $current_site->domain;
$path = $base;
$newdomain = $current_site->domain; $path = $base . $domain . '/';
$domain = strtolower($domain);
$newdomain = strtolower($newdomain);
$path = strtolower($path);
$meta = apply_filters('signup_create_blog_meta', array('lang_id' => 1, $public));
$meta = apply_filters("add_singup_meta", $meta);
wpmu_create_blog($newdomain, $path, $title, $user_id , $meta, $current_site->id);
do_action('wpmu_activate_blog', $blog_id, $user_id, $password, $title, $meta);
// Update external DB with BlogUrl, NewBlogName, AdminPassword,
include wp-load.php file (in the root of your wordpress installation) in your php script file like so,
you will have to provide the abspath of the wp-load file, now you can use all the functions of wordpress in your php script
This should work:
i.e. When the php script is on the same server and WP is installed on the root. As most cases are.