I have used the following ggplot
ggplot(survey, aes(x = age)) + stat_bin(aes(n = nrow(h3), y = ..count.. / n), binwidth = 10)
+ scale
I feel like I should add my answer to this because it took me quite long to make this work:
This answer is for you if:
) in your labels and I basically put the labels in a named vector so labels would not get confused or switched. The labeller
expression could probably be simpler, but this at least works (improvements are very welcome). Note the ` (back quotes) to protect the facet-factor.
n <- 10
x <- seq(0, 300, length.out = n)
# I have my data in a "long" format
my_data <- data.frame(
Type = as.factor(c(rep('dl/l', n), rep('alpha', n))),
T = c(x, x),
Value = c(x*0.1, sqrt(x))
# the label names as a named vector
type_names <- c(
`nonsense` = "this is just here because it looks good",
`dl/l` = Linear~Expansion~~Delta*L/L[Ref]~"="~"[%]", # bquote expression
`alpha` = Linear~Expansion~Coefficient~~alpha~"="~"[1/K]"
ggplot() +
geom_point(data = my_data, mapping = aes(T, Value)) +
facet_wrap(. ~ Type, scales="free_y",
labeller = label_bquote(.(as.expression(
eval(parse(text = paste0('type_names', '$`', Type, '`')))
)))) +
labs(x="Temperature [K]", y="", colour = "") +
theme(legend.position = 'none')
Here's how I did it with facet_grid(yfacet~xfacet)
using ggplot2, version 2.2.1:
labeller = labeller(
yfacet = c(`0` = "an y label", `1` = "another y label"),
xfacet = c(`10` = "an x label", `20` = "another x label")
Note that this does not contain a call to as_labeller()
-- something that I struggled with for a while.
This approach is inspired by the last example on the help page Coerce to labeller function.
Both facet_wrap
and facet_grid
also accept input from ifelse
as an argument. So if the variable used for faceting is logical, the solution is very simple:
facet_wrap(~ifelse(variable, "Label if true", "Label if false"))
If the variable has more categories, the ifelse
statement needs to be nested.
As a side effect, this also allows the creation of the groups to be faceted within the ggplot
Have you tried changing the specific levels of your Hospital
levels(survey$hospital)[levels(survey$hospital) == "Hospital #1"] <- "Hosp 1"
levels(survey$hospital)[levels(survey$hospital) == "Hospital #2"] <- "Hosp 2"
levels(survey$hospital)[levels(survey$hospital) == "Hospital #3"] <- "Hosp 3"
I think all other solutions are really helpful to do this, but there is yet another way.
I assume:
package, which has the convenient mutate
command, and your dataset is named survey
survey %>% mutate(Hosp1 = Hospital1, Hosp2 = Hospital2,........)
This command helps you to rename columns, yet all other columns are kept.
Then do the same facet_wrap
, you are fine now.
The EASIEST way to change WITHOUT modifying the underlying data is:
Create an object using the as_labeller
function adding the back tick mark for each of the default values:
hum.names <- as_labeller(c(50
= "RH% 50", 60
= "RH% 60",70
= "RH% 70", 80
= "RH% 80",90
= "RH% 90", 100
= "RH% 100")) #Necesarry to put RH% into the facet labels
We add into the GGplot:
ggplot(dataframe, aes(x=Temperature.C,y=fit))+geom_line()+ facet_wrap(~Humidity.RH., nrow=2,labeller=hum.names)