I am building the application in Angular6+
, now I have run the command ng build --prod
which gave me a dist folder. Now how to check or serve that
You can do that using http-server package.
First install the package globally
npm install http-server -g
Then inside your project directory(in the terminal) just run
http-server dist/
And if you are using Angular 6+ or above (Working with Angular 10), You have to run
http-server dist/your-project-name
Now you can visit http://localhost:8080 to view your application
In my case I did next:
Install http-server globally
npm install http-server -g
Then inside the project directory (in the terminal), I run
http-server dist/[your-project-name]
Now you can visit http://localhost:8080/index.html to view your application. But when I restart the browser page I have to add again /index.html into URL.
It works in Angular 7.x.x version.
Since Angular 7 you can just do ng serve --prod=true
. Documentation: https://angular.io/cli/serve
I know the question asks about Angular 6 but Google got me here, so just for future reference.
Thanks mike "ng serve --prod=true" works perfect!!!!
windows platform
- Install wamp server -->
https://wampserver.en.softonic.com/ and start.
- your dist folder files copy to c:/wamp/www/(your project name)/
- And create .htaccess file redirect your index.html.
- Next run browser http://localhost/(your project name)
ubuntu platform
- Install lamp server -->
https://www.linode.com/docs/web-servers/lamp/install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04/ and start.
- your dist folder files copy to /opt/lampp/htdocs/(your project name)/
- And create .htaccess file redirect your index.html.
- Next run browser http://localhost/(your project name)
From Terminal:
$ npm install http-server -g
From Angular Project Dir. Lets say your Angular project name is ngx.
$ ng build
$ http-server dist/ngx
Starting up http-server, serving dist/ngx
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server