I\'m using Paul Bleicher\'s Calendar Heatmap to visualize some events over time and I\'m interested to add black-and-white fill patterns instead of (or on top of) the color
We can use ggplot2's scale_shape_manual
to get us shapes that appear close to shading, and we can plot these over the grey heatmap.
Note: This was adapted from @Jay's comments in the original blog posting for the calendar heatmap
# Transofrm data
stock.data <- transform(stock.data,
week = as.POSIXlt(Date)$yday %/% 7 + 1,
month = as.POSIXlt(Date)$mon + 1,
wday = factor(as.POSIXlt(Date)$wday, levels=0:6, labels=levels(weekdays(1, abb=FALSE)), ordered=TRUE),
year = as.POSIXlt(Date)$year + 1900)
# find when the months change
# Not used, but could be
stock.data$mchng <- as.logical(c(0, diff(stock.data$month)))
# we need dummy data for Sunday / Saturday to be included.
# These added rows will not be plotted due to their NA values
dummy <- as.data.frame(stock.data[1:2, ])
dummy[, -which(names(dummy) %in% c("wday", "year"))] <- NA
dummy[, "wday"] <- weekdays(2:3, FALSE)
dummy[, "mchng"] <- TRUE
rbind(dummy, stock.data) -> stock.data
# convert the continuous var to a categorical var
stock.data$Adj.Disc <- cut(stock.data$Adj.Close, b = 6, labels = F)
# vals is the greyscale tones used for the outer monthly borders
vals <- gray(c(.2, .5))
# Expected warning due to dummy variable with NA's:
# Warning message:
# Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
ggplot(stock.data) +
aes(week, wday, fill=as.factor(Adj.Disc),
shape=as.factor(Adj.Disc), color=as.factor(month %% 2)) +
geom_tile(linetype=1, size=1.8) +
geom_tile(linetype=6, size=0.4, color="white") +
scale_color_manual(values=vals) +
geom_point(aes(alpha=0.2), color="black") +
scale_fill_grey(start=0, end=0.9) + scale_shape_manual(values=c(2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 8)) +
theme(legend.position="none") + labs(y="Day of the Week") + facet_wrap(~ year, ncol = 1)
I answered this question before he becomes a bounty. It looks like the OP find my previous answer a little bit complicated. I organized the code in a single gist here. you need just to download the file and source it.
I create new function extra.calendarHeat
which is an extension of the first one to draw hetmap of double time series.(dat,value1,value2). I addedthis new parameters:
pch.symbol : vector of symbols , defualt 15:20
cex.symbol : cex of the symbols , default = 2
col.symbol : color of symbols , default #00000044
pvalues : value of symbols
Here some examples:
## I am using same data
stock <- "MSFT"
start.date <- "2012-01-12"
end.date <- Sys.Date()
quote <- paste("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=",
"&a=", substr(start.date,6,7),
"&b=", substr(start.date, 9, 10),
"&c=", substr(start.date, 1,4),
"&d=", substr(end.date,6,7),
"&e=", substr(end.date, 9, 10),
"&f=", substr(end.date, 1,4),
"&g=d&ignore=.csv", sep="")
stock.data <- read.csv(quote, as.is=TRUE)
p1 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
pvalues = stock.data$Volume,
varname="W&B MSFT Adjusted Close
\n Volume as no border symbol ")
## multiply symbols
p2 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
pvalues = stock.data$Volume,
varname="W&B MSFT Adjusted Close \n
black Volume as multiply symbol ",
pch.symbol = c(3,4,8,9),
## circles symbols
p3 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
pvalues = stock.data$Volume,
varname="W&B MSFT Adjusted Close \n blue Volume as circles",
pch.symbol = c(1,10,13,16,18),
## triangles symbols
p4 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
pvalues = stock.data$Volume,
varname="W&B MSFT Adjusted Close \n red Volume as triangles",
pch.symbol = c(2,6,17,24,25),
p5 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
varname="MSFT Adjusted Close",
pch.symbol = LETTERS,
# symbols are LETTERS
p6 <- extra.calendarHeat(dates= stock.data$Date, values = stock.data$Adj.Close,
pvalues = stock.data$Volume,
varname="MSFT Adjusted Close \n Volume as LETTERS symbols",
pch.symbol = letters,
You can panel.level.plot
from latticeExtra
to add pattern. I think the question as it is asked is a little bit specific. So I try to generalize it. The idea is to give the steps to transform a time series to a calendar heatmap: with 2 patterns (fill color and a shape). We can imagine multiple time series (Close/Open). For example, you can get something like this
or like this, using a ggplot2 theme:
The function calendarHeat
, giving a single time series (dat,value) , transforms data like this :
date.seq value dotw woty yr month seq
1 2012-01-01 NA 0 2 2012 1 1
2 2012-01-02 NA 1 2 2012 1 2
3 2012-01-03 NA 2 2 2012 1 3
4 2012-01-04 NA 3 2 2012 1 4
5 2012-01-05 NA 4 2 2012 1 5
6 2012-01-06 NA 5 2 2012 1 6
So I assume that I have data formated like this, otherwise, I extracted from calendarHeat the part of data transformation in a function(see this gist)
dat <- transformdata(stock.data$Date, stock.data$by)
Then the calendar is essentially a levelplot
with custom sacles
, custom theme
and custom panel' function
levelplot(value~woty*dotw | yr, data=dat, border = "black",
layout = c(1, nyr%%7),
col.regions = (calendar.pal(ncolors)),
between = list(x=0, y=c(1,1)),
panel = function(...) {
## you can play with cex and pch here to get the pattern you
## like
cex =dat$value/max(dat$value,na.rm=T)*3
type = c("p"))
scales= scales,
xlim =extendrange(dat$woty,f=0.01),
cuts= ncolors - 1,
colorkey= list(col = calendar.pal(ncolors), width = 0.6, height = 0.5),
par.settings = calendar.theme)
Where the scales are:
scales = list(
x = list( at= c(seq(2.9, 52, by=4.42)),
labels = month.abb,
alternating = c(1, rep(0, (nyr-1))),
cex =1),
at = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
labels = c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday"),
alternating = 1,
cex =1,
And the theme is setting as :
calendar.theme <- list(
strip.background = list(col = "transparent"),
strip.border = list(col = "transparent"),
axis.line = list(col="transparent"),
The panel function uses a function caelendar.division. In fact, the division of the grid(month black countour) is very long and is done using grid
package in the hard way (panel focus...). I change it a little bit, and now I call it in the lattice panel function: caelendar.division.