This question is for anyone who\'s ever tested the \"Find leaks\" button in the Tomcat manager and got some results like this:
The following web appli
If you want to make sure not to cause leaks you have to do the following:
Here is also a good article on ThreadLocal and MemoryLeaks -
Tomcat 7 is supposed to bring improvements in this area. See Features of Apache Tomcat 7, section titled No More Leaks!
They believe they can now cope with a lot of memory leaks caused by the web applications. Unfortunately, it's still in beta.
Other than that, I can just say that I've made the same experience and haven't found a solution. Deploying usually requires restarting Tomcat afterwards. I have no idea who the culprit is: my web application, Tomcat, Hibernate, Tapestry or several of them.