How can I check if a string (NSString
) contains another smaller string?
I was hoping for something like:
NSString *string = @\"hello bla
So personally I really hate NSNotFound
but understand its necessity.
But some people may not understand the complexities of comparing against NSNotFound
For example, this code:
- (BOOL)doesString:(NSString*)string containString:(NSString*)otherString {
if([string rangeOfString:otherString].location != NSNotFound)
return YES;
return NO;
has its problems:
1) Obviously if otherString = nil
this code will crash. a simple test would be:
NSLog(@"does string contain string - %@", [self doesString:@"hey" containString:nil] ? @"YES": @"NO");
results in !! CRASH !!
2) What is not so obvious to someone new to objective-c is that the same code will NOT crash when string = nil
For example, this code:
NSLog(@"does string contain string - %@", [self doesString:nil containString:@"hey"] ? @"YES": @"NO");
and this code:
NSLog(@"does string contain string - %@", [self doesString:nil containString:nil] ? @"YES": @"NO");
will both result in
does string contains string - YES
Which is clearly NOT what you want.
So the better solution that I believe works is to use the fact that rangeOfString returns the length of 0 so then a better more reliable code is this:
- (BOOL)doesString:(NSString*)string containString:(NSString*)otherString {
if(otherString && [string rangeOfString:otherString].length)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)doesString:(NSString*)string containString:(NSString*)otherString {
return (otherString && [string rangeOfString:otherString].length);
which will for cases 1 and 2 will return
does string contains string - NO
That's my 2 cents ;-)
Please check out my Gist for more helpful code.
Best solution. As simple as this! If you want to find a word or part of the string. You can use this code. In this example we are going to check if the value of word contains "acter".
NSString *word =@"find a word or character here";
if ([word containsString:@"acter"]){
NSLog(@"It contains acter");
} else {
NSLog (@"It does not contain acter");
First string contain or not second string,
NSString *first = @"Banana";
NSString *second = @"BananaMilk";
NSRange range = [first rangeOfString:second options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if (range.length > 0) {
else {
NSLog(@"Not detected");
If do not bother about case-sensitive string. Try this once.
NSString *string = @"Hello World!";
if([string rangeOfString:@"hello" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location !=NSNotFound)
NSLog(@"not found");
Oneliner (Smaller amount of code. DRY, as you have only one NSLog
NSString *string = @"hello bla bla";
NSLog(@"String %@", ([string rangeOfString:@"bla"].location == NSNotFound) ? @"not found" : @"cotains bla");
try this,
NSString *string = @"test Data";
if ([[string lowercaseString] rangeOfString:@"data"].location == NSNotFound)
NSLog(@"string does not contain Data");
NSLog(@"string contains data!");