Is WPF Dispatcher the solution of multi threading problems?

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北海茫月 2020-12-07 15:03

I have a very bad feeling about using lock in my code but now the Dispatcher of WindowBase exists and I want to use it everywhere.

For example I use a multi thread s

  • 2020-12-07 15:44

    I'm going to necro the heck out of this, but this sounds like a bad idea. What you are saying is that you need a queue for your publisher to dump items on for its subscribers. A Dispatcher, at its core, is just a glorified queue, with a LOT of overhead around it. The overhead is specifically for protecting access to UI resources, which you aren't using. That suggests it's the wrong thing to use.

    The person who suggested a SynchronizationContext is on a good path. This accomplishes what you want (safely marshalling data to another thread), without tying you to a UI concept. You could write an extension method which marshals your event to the SynchronizationContext requested by each subscriber of the event (it is available by casting the Target of your subscribing Delegate to ISynchronizeInvoke. The result of that cast will allow you to know if it needs to be marhalled, and can do it automatically for you.

    Even better would be to just use a queue with appropriate locking semantics. The overhead of the lock is unlikely to be an issue, and if it is, your use of the Dispatcher would be far more destructive than a simple lock. In this case, simpler is better. They key would be to only keep the lock to add/remove an item from the queue. Your subscribers should perform whatever work they do outside of the lock.

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  • 2020-12-07 15:47

    The main issue with using the Dispatcher (or BackgroundWorker) is that it's difficult to test, unless your testing harness actually has a UI thread.

    Solution 1

    Use the SynchronizationContext. It provides the same ability to invoke on the UI thread and works in Windows or WPF. Testing it also possible.

    Solution 2

    Think of the dispatcher as being just another service. As you use PRISM, you are familiar with services and IOC. Here is how such a service may be used:

    // Not a UI component
    public class MyDomainService : IMyDomainService
       private readonly IDispatcher _dispatcher;
       public MyDomainService(IDispatcher dispatcher) 
          _dispatcher = dispatcher;
       private void GotResultFromBackgroundThread()
           _dispatcher.Dispatch(() => DoStuffOnForegroundThread());

    This allows you to substitute in different implementations for your platform/testing.

    Here is an example of IDispatcher, a WPF implementation and a test implementation. You would register them with your IOC container just like any other service, and they are available to both UI and other services.

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  • 2020-12-07 15:52

    yes and no.. its a rendering thing..not a threading thing per se..

    The Dispatcher selects work items on a priority basis and runs each one to completion. Every UI thread must have at least one Dispatcher, and each Dispatcher can execute work items in exactly one thread. as per this this link from Microsoft.

    You still have to handle on your own any threads you start yourself.

    Check this one for info on: Multithreaded Programming with the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern

    Personally I use the Background Worker for my threading needs.

    Best Practices here.

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