s.[name] 'Schema',
t.[name] 'Table',
c.[name] 'Column',
d.[name] 'Data Type',
c.[max_length] 'Length',
d.[max_length] 'Max Length',
d.[precision] 'Precision',
c.[is_identity] 'Is Id',
c.[is_nullable] 'Is Nullable',
c.[is_computed] 'Is Computed',
d.[is_user_defined] 'Is UserDefined',
t.[modify_date] 'Date Modified',
t.[create_date] 'Date created'
from sys.schemas s
inner join sys.tables t
on s.schema_id = t.schema_id
inner join sys.columns c
on t.object_id = c.object_id
inner join sys.types d
on c.user_type_id = d.user_type_id
where like '%ColumnName%'
This here will give you a little extra information about the schema, tables and columns that you may or may not choose to use extra conditions in your where clause to filter on. For example, if you only wanted to see the fields which must have values add
and c.is_nullable = 0
You could add other conditionals, I also added the columns in the select clause in this vertical manner so it was easy to reorder, remove, rename, or add others based on your needs. Alternately you could search for just tables by using T.Name. Its very customisable.