I am looking to write a piece of javascript that will append a parameter to the current url and then refresh the page - how can I do this?
Please check the below code :
/*Get current URL*/
var _url = location.href;
/*Check if the url already contains ?, if yes append the parameter, else add the parameter*/
_url = ( _url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ) ? _url+'¶m='+value : _url+'?param='+value;
/*reload the page */
window.location.href = _url;
Most of the answers here suggest that one should append the parameter(s) to the URL, something like the following snippet or a similar variation:
location.href = location.href + "¶meter=" + value;
This will work quite well for the majority of the cases.
That's not the correct way to append a parameter to a URL in my opinion.
Because the suggested approach does not test if the parameter is already set in the URL, if not careful one may end up with a very long URL with the same parameter repeated multiple times. ie:
at this point is where problems begin. The suggested approach could and will create a very long URL after multiple page refreshes, thus making the URL invalid. Follow this link for more information about long URL What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?
This is my suggested approach:
function URL_add_parameter(url, param, value){
var hash = {};
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = url;
var parameters = parser.search.split(/\?|&/);
for(var i=0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var ary = parameters[i].split('=');
hash[ary[0]] = ary[1];
hash[param] = value;
var list = [];
Object.keys(hash).forEach(function (key) {
list.push(key + '=' + hash[key]);
parser.search = '?' + list.join('&');
return parser.href;
With this function one just will have to do the following:
location.href = URL_add_parameter(location.href, 'param', 'value');
Shorter than the accepted answer, doing the same, but keeping it simple:
window.location.search += '¶m=42';
We don't have to alter the entire url, just the query string, known as the search attribute of location.
When you are assigning a value to the search attribute, the question mark is automatically inserted by the browser and the page is reloaded.
Try this
var url = ApiUrl(`/customers`);
url += '?search='+data;
url += `?page=${page}&per_page=${perpage}`;
this should work (not tested!)
var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf('?') > -1){
url += '¶m=1'
url += '?param=1'
window.location.href = url;